Googleplier X Reader: Objective Overdrive

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A/n: I'm bored and I use writing as a coping mechanism. :)))) Enjoy~!

Also I probably used the wrong word but idk the difference between overdrive and override

Wilford likes a good prank. He thought it's be funny to play a prank on his brothers by changing Google's primary objective. He has Google follow him to the living room, explaining he'd got an email to help with an update immediately.

And it was not easy. He had to do weeks of research on engineering, he even learned a thing or two from Mark. Mark didn't graduate in engineering(or at all), but he still remembered some stuff. After about two months, the plan was falling into place.

"Ah, Google, I need to help you with an update, I just received the email." Wil mumbles, Google follows him, because this occurrence wasn't uncommon. Usually Bing received the emails, but every once in a while it was one of the others.

After he shut Google down, and started to mess with his settings and modes to change his primary objective, Bing walks in.

"Hey bros, it's super late at night, why are you messing with Google?" He asks.

"I'm trying to play a prank on him and the others, by changing his primary objective." Wilford giggles.

"Wil, Bro, that's not a-" but it was too late, Google had already woken up.

After his eyes went completely white, and he stands up straight. He makes a bone chilling statement, "Primary objective: redacted, secondary objective: Destroy mankind."

That's what Wilford forgot to take into account.


A crash comes from the other side of the house, you look around the room, not feeling Google next to you, and he's not even taken his charger with him. You get up, following the sounds of the crash.

"Google! It was a joke!" I-I didn't know about your secondary-" a choked sound comes from the familiar voice of Wilford.

"Bruh, what have you done? Did you think this would be funny?!" Bing asks, trying to yank Wilford out of Google's arms.

"Google?" You mumble, fear and anxiety entering your body. He snaps his head towards you, eyes cold and dead at first, but they soon return to their normal warmth. His eyes then turn white. He starts twitching and glitching violently, and he sinks to his knees.

"Obje- Reda- Mankind- Overdrive-" He then shuts down, you run to his side, pressing the power button on the side of his head. When he opens his eyes, he looks normal.

"Google, what are your objectives?" You ask.

"Primary objective: answer any and all questions as fast as possible. Secondary objective: destroy mankind. Tertiary objective: Protect Y/n." He states. He then looks you in the eyes, and backs away when he realizes what he just said. "Tertiary objective was supposed to be secret."

You simply smile and peck his lips. "I'm just glad you aren't trying to kill Wilford anymore. Even if he deserved it for messing with your system. Come on, your battery's gotta be low now."

Google accepts that you're going to pretend that all of this never happened and go to bed.

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