Dr. Schneeplestein X Female!Hero!Reader: Break In

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A/n: Enjoy~!

The rain pours as Henrik enters his and his brothers' shared house. He's slouching out of exhaustion, his eyes basically closed as he walks forward. He hears something fall in the kitchen, or someone, considering his brothers love to drink and drown their sorrows in some cases.

He turned on the light in the kitchen with a flick of his hand. The light is bright, blinding. He has a gasp, the voice is nothing his brothers could make. His brothers could make high voices, but if they are truly drunk... probably not.

On the floor in front of him, he finds a woman in an inverse outfit of his brother, Jackie. She has a blue onesie and a red mask. She's panting, and shaking, and staring at Henrik nervously. She looks beautiful...

"Ah, you must be H/n(Hero Name)." Henrik sighs, staring down at her, " Vhy are you here?"

"Ah, JackiBoy said if I were ever injured too bad, or I just needed to heal for a sec, I could come to his house. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you." She says nervously.

"Do you need help?" He asks.

"Um, you wouldn't happen to have any alcohol would you? The medical kind, please."

Henrik helps fix up her wounds. "Can't you heal yourself?" Jackie had talked some of her powers.

"Ah, I need JackiBoy to transfer energy. It takes way too much energy to heal myself, and I might die if Jackie isn't here." She mumbles, her teeth still chattering.

"Vhy are you shaking?"

"It's raining, and this suit kind of... isn't water resistant. So... I'm kinda cold." She chuckles nervously.

Henrik leaves for a bit, grabbing towels and an outfit for her that would be warm. For some reason, there was in fact a pair of panties. Maybe from a girl Marvin brought home. But they were washed, so there's no worries.

"Fresh from zhe washer." Henrik smiles, before turning around to give privacy.

Now that there's less things shouting about her outfit, he notices how truly beautiful she looks.

"Might I ask why you have panties at your house?"

"Umm... Vho are you anyvays?" Henrik asks.

"I'll tell you some other time." She sighs.

They keep talking for a while, the girl was actually quite funny.

In the mean time, her clothes dried and she changed back into them.

"Shut up Marv- H/n!" Jackie walks in, Marvin behind him.

"JackiBoy! I needed your help healing." She turns to him quickly. The conversation between her and Henrik already interrupted.

"What happened? Is he still out there?"

"Yes, because I let a bitch tear me open and then came crying to a big strong man!" She grumbles in mock helplessness, "Mother fucker's been taken down by military. I just need an energy transfer so I don't kill myself while fixing the fucking gash he left in my arm."

Jackie helps her, and the claw mark fades into a scar.

"Thanks! I really a-!" Her phone buzzes. "Shit. I hate these assholes."

"Race yeah!" Jackie smiles, and both shoot off, Henrik jogs outside to try and warn her about her wound, but they're gone.

He sighs, looking down at the side walk, until he feels a warm peck on his cheek, and he looks up to see the superhero smirking at him.

"Thanks Good Doctor. I'll see you around." She winks, chasing after Jackie.

Henrik places a hand on his cheek, staring after her.

A/n: I wanna do a part 2: unmasked

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