Unus Annus: Goodbye

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A/n: in honor of the end of Unus Annus. Enjoy~!

"What?" Unus mumbled shakily.

"You're going to die on November 13, 2020. You gave exactly 365 days to live." Mark explained.

"But we were just created." Annus remarked, exasperation evident in his voice.

"We know, and we are sorry, but those are the rules of the channel you were created for. One year. Unus Annus. Memento Mori." Ethan explained further.

"What are we supposed to do?" Annus asked.

"Whatever you wish. We'll only need you for a select few videos." Mark shrugged.

So they made peace with it. They knew when they we're going to die and they made the most of it.

"What a shit year to be created." Unus sighs, staring into his glass of wine.

"I can't say it was the best year." Annus replies.

They went quiet again, nothing as they watched the clock.





The seconds passed like hours.

"I don't regret it. This year wasn't what I wanted, I didn't get to do all I wanted, and I would love to do so much more, but I don't regret it. Never in a thousand years could I imagine a better year." Unus says, brows furrowed with a certain sadness.

While Unus looks sad, Annus looks angry.

"Neither do I."

They both glance at the screen.


They keep talking about moments they would do again, and things they wouldn't do for one thousand more years.

After a long, long conversation, they check it again. The ticking and tocking never stopping


"Fuck." Unus mumbles. He feels like his throat is closing, like he can't fucking breathe.

Annus stays silent, but he's teeth are clenched so hard he feels like he'll break his teeth.

"Meh...." Unus starts crying as he sees the clock strike one minute. "Memento Mori, my friend."

"Unus Annus." Annus replies, white tears streaming down his face as he locks eyes with Unus. Unus has black tears streaming down his face, but he smiles brightly.

They see the light fade from each other's eyes, and in the fear they both have as they watch the other, there's this sense of... peace.

Peace that they don't have to worry anymore, peace that they have someone there, peace that... even if death is inevitable, they knew when they would go.

Is that what death is? Terror with a sense of peace?

Apparently so.

Memento Mori, my friends.

Unus Annus.

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