Darkilpier X Reader: Bet

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A/n: I'm "replaying" the date with Markiplier thing, and I thought of something. Enjoy~!!

"Good choice..." His dark honey voice rings and echos. You stare at him in annoyance, this is not what you expected when Mark asked you on a date. Given an option, you chose freedom.

He rants on, until you find an interesting place to stop him, "But, why do we need to choose in life? If dinner is what you then want I can provide. And I can take you wherever you'd like to go, I can especially take you to the places you DON'T want to go. It's exciting, knowing that there are endless possibilities waiting for you- I CAN GIVE YOU ANYTHING! I've been waiting a long time, to get some personal time between us. THERE IS NOTHING YOU OR HE CAN DO TO STOP ME!-"

"Bet." You say confidently, and he gives you a puzzled look.

"Don't inter-" you cut him off again, by leaning over the table and planting your lips on his. He doesn't move again until you pull away. "Um..."

"Can you please quit ranting already? Just get me a big pretty rock on my left finger quick, and I'll legally be yours forever!" You flirt with an innocent smile.

He looks shocked.

"Why do shocked? You're sexy, and you seem like an alright dude."

"I'm literally a demon."

"And a majority of the boys in Cali wouldn't offer to take me anywhere or offer me anything I wanted, they'd say 'I got this dick' and then be gross. So you, are in the top ten! Demons could make good significant others!"

He looks extremely confused, and that makes you giggle.

"Listen, I do have to go to work tonight, so if you could like, take me back home, we can do talk later, you can get my number from Mark, I just really need to get back!" You say, and he takes you home.

"Bye Darkie! I'll talk to you after my shift!" You call, jogging to your car.

He was an interesting guy.

*Dark's POV*

What just happened?

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