Dark X Reader: Bad Day

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A/n: I'm ranting, cuz I'm s a d. Leave me be. Enjoy~!

Dark was walking around, trying to get everyone to calm down, Wilford was cackling maniacally in the corner, Yan was trying to help him, Google was shouting at Bing for whatever fucking reason. Host was mumbling quietly in his chair, Ed was trying to sell his son to Captain Magnum, who was explaining he didn't have room on his ship. Illinois was helping Yancy critique his dance moves, which wasn't too annoying, but with everything added, Dark felt like snapping.

He knows he can't, and that he shouldn't, so he just walks up to his room. He yanks down his tie, and pushes his hair out of his face, holding on the top of his head as he takes a deep breath. He exhales as he slides down the wall. He gets up and starts removing his suit, not bothering to put on pajamas, and laying on his mattress in his boxers, and closing his eyes. He lay in silence, until he here's an oh-so familiar voice shouting in rage.

He makes his way quickly down the stairs, as the voice becomes more clear. He didn't bother putting anything to cover up, they'd all seen it before.


"Y/n?" Dark says softly, and that causes them to pause, and the room goes quiet.

Y/n turns to him, trembling and shaking, soaked to the bone, make up streaming down their face. They're clothes hung tightly around them by the rain outside, hair matted to their face. Dark approaches them, moving some hair out of their face, as he does so, Y/n collapses in his arms, sobbing.

Everyone stands around them, shocked, nobody is saying a word. Dark picks them up, and brings them up to their shared room, and sets them on a chair, before going to get them clean clothes, and a shower running in the bathroom attached to their bedroom.

He helped them remove their clothes and go into the shower, as they were still shaking and crying.

He waits patiently in their room, and when Y/n comes into the room, they've stopped shivering, but they're still sobbing.

Dark stands up and goes to bring them to the bed, covering them up and hugging them as they keep sobbing. Once they start to calm down, Dark decides to ask what happened to send them into such a horrible mood.

They explain everything. How they had not gotten the promotion at their job, they weren't too upset, the other person was very fair and kind about it, then someone stole their lunch, they left their wallet at home, so no food. The car broke down on the way home, their phone was dead, so they couldn't call anyone, and as they started walking home, it started pouring rain violently. It was just an all out horrible day. 

"I didn't even plan on talking about it, but coming home, my safe place, and hearing all this commotion made me... snap. How was your day?"

"That commotion hasn't stopped at all today. But you've made it better." Dark sighs, placing their head on his chest, and putting his chin on their head. He keeps rubbing their back, until he hears soft snores and steady breathes.

He chuckles at them, and how tightly they grab onto him as he tries to move away, to turn off the light. He instead snaps his fingers, and the room is dark.

"I love you, my dear." He mumbles softly.

They mumble something back, but it's incoherent. He takes it as they love him too, and drifts to sleep with them.

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