Requests and stuffs(Closed)

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Hello it's me!!!

Here with another book nobody wants!!!

Okay so request whatever you want, angst, fluff, smut, etc

I don't do pedophilia or incest as always I always won't write the act of rape?? I will mention it, or almost write it, but it will never be full on rape, I can't do that.

That doesn't mean I won't do Dad!Ego x Child!Reader it just means no romantic or sexual relationship between minors and adults

If I refuse your request, it means I don't know who that is, and there is a lot of egos I will write for

Edit, even though this was 3 years ago and I don't plan on updating again- I wrote this when I was like 15, okay? As an adult, I can say don't bully me. If you have something negative to say, don't say it to me or on my comments. I'll delete them and block you. still hope you enjoy! <3

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