Damien X Reader: Peaceful

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A/n: I made myself sad so I will write fluff to make me happy enjoy~!

(AU where wkm never happened, Celine never cheated, William never went crazy.)

The moon was high in sky, bright and shiny as ever, with stars twinkling and dancing around it. The night was quiet and calm, the only sounds being the occasional car passing, or the crickets.

Damien stood on the balcony of his two story house. It was a rather nice looking house, being the mayor, he made nice money.

Nothing was wrong, if that's what you're expecting. He wasn't stressed, or worried, no more than average. Of course he had the parental worries, but most parents who care about their kids do. His sister and friends were doing well, and so was his spouse and kids.

He was standing on the balcony, admiring the night sky, simply because he couldn't sleep. It wasn't common, but some nights he just can't.

Suddenly, he feels arms wrapped around his middle, and a body press to his. He looks over his shoulder and sees the amazingly familiar sight of his spouses tired face nuzzling into his shoulder.

"What are you doing up, darling? You have a new piece to present at the art gallery tomorrow." Damien mumbles, turning in their hold, and wrapping his arms around their neck.

"The beds colder without you. And you need to sleep." They mumble, eyes barely open.

Damien took on their sleepy appearance. Hair slightly messy, figure slouching further than normal, his dress shirt draping over their shoulders and falling to the middle of their thighs, legs and feet bare. Quite the opposite of Damien, as he had on no shirt, but had on some fluffy pajama pants.

Damien places a soft kiss on their lips, and they kiss back, melting into him. When they pull back, he leans his forehead against theirs.

"Let's head to bed then, hmm?" Damien mumbles, they nod.

Lying in bed, wrapped around each other, they both drift off to sleep.

A/n: it's boring but I'm happy

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