Dark X FTM!Reader: Changes

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A/n: inspired by my friend. This'll be a small series of different egos and you coming out to them as either trans or non-binary or gender fluid. Enjoy~!

(Transphobia, things along that line, please don't read if you think this'll trigger you, also if you are trans, I support you.)

Also D/n is dead name, but if you are uncomfortable with that, just use "Sam" or "Jesse" it's they are gender neutral names

You enter your house, everything feels like it's going to come crashing down around you. Everyone at work today called you a creep and a freak for being trans, and now was the hardest part. Telling your boyfriend.

"Hey Princess." Your boyfriend, Dark, smiles as he brings you into a hug, kissing your forehead.

"Hey." You sigh, leaning into his touch. Today is the day you are going to tell him about how you've felt recently. "I... I need to talk to you. Can you meet me on the balcony in half an hour?"

"Of course. Is everything alright, D/n?" He asks.

"Yeah I just... I just need to talk to you." You mumble. You head towards the bathroom, removing your clothes, and scowling at your body. It wasn't the least bit masculine, no matter how hard you tried. 

After you get out of the shower, you get dressed and head towards the balcony, Dark already waiting there, he's tapping his foot and gripping the concrete railing rather tightly.

"Dark?" You mumble.

"D/n. What did you wanna talk about?" He asks, turning to face you.

All the sudden you feel like you're gonna cry, and you can't breathe at the same time, tears brim your waterline as you try and force the words out, and when you do they sound so meek and broken, "I'm... trans."

"What?" Dark asks.

"I'm.... I'm trans. My name is now Y/n L/n, and my pronouns are he/him. I'm a guy." You state. Dark is at a loss for words.

He embraces you tightly, and you feel relief flood your system as you cry openly on his chest. "I'm sorry I called you Princess earlier. You are now my Prince and I will do whatever I can to help you."

You're now sobbing loudly against his chest.

"I love you so much Dark." You sob.

"I love you too, Prince."

Everybody might not support you, but at least your loving boyfriend.

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