Marvin X Reader: Truly Magnificent

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A/n: I'm on like a Jacksepticeye binge rn so fuck off?? I will probably write more Jacksepticeye later on and I'm thinking about writing a smut and I already the plot of it down. It'll be a little difficult to write for the person I chose? Take a guess who it is. Anyway, Enjoy~!

(WARNING: there is no warning, this is mindless fluff.)

You stare at the stars above you.

"The stars are wonderful tonight." You mumble.

The man next to you shook his head, snapping back to reality.

"Sure." He mumbles, obviously not that interested in the stars.

"You don't think so?" You ask softly, looking over at him. He was looking at you the whole time however.

"It's not that I don't think so..." He says, moving his hand to cradle your chin with one finger, "It's just something's more wonderful." He leans forward, "In fact, the stars are wonderful. But you, my dear, are truly magnificent."

He pulls you closer, and kisses you softly. You immediately melt into him. Hands placed on his chest, as he pulls you flush to him, his hands on your hips. His thumbs rub circles in your hips, making you melt even further.

When you pull away, he stays close, and you can feel his breath run over your face in small pants.

He pulls you into a hug, before speaking again,  "Truly magnificent."

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