Yancy X Child!Reader: Prison Life

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A/n: requested by emoboishuichi !!! I hope you like this! Oh btw, ms. Blu is me :). Enjoy~!

(Tw// mentions shitty parents, alcoholism, bullying, fighting, murder, and similar stuff.)

"Like we fucking care! You're useless anyway!" Your mother shouted. You were excited about getting the art award at your school, even though your a freshman and they usually gave them to upper grades.

Your dad laughed in response, clinking his whisky against her wine. You simply turn around and walk towards your room.


And there he goes again with the insults.

Saying the usual, some slurs, some insulting your mental traits, some insulting your physically traits.

You were used to it. You didn't respond.

That is, until he shoves you. It was a light shove. You barely even moved.

But it sent you over the edge.

Piling up emotions, bottling them up and shoving them down, the pain, the anger, the tears, the hate, fuck.

You slid your bag off your shoulder, it fell to the ground with a soft thud. You turned to face him, and he saw the anger in your face.

"What? Ya gonna do something?" He taunts.

You locked eyes, before you lunged at him punching him in the face over and over. You had tears streaming down your face as you only released grunts.

Every student around you was in too much shock to do anything, a teacher pried you off of him, you're favorite teacher, Ms. Blu.

"Y/n what the hell?!" She asked, before you shoved your face in her chest, sobbing loudly.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" The boy who was taunting you yelled.

"Oh shut the hell up, Ryan! You started it!" A bystander yelled.

There was so much telling and commotion around you, but you couldn't hear it, you just focused on the calming of Ms. Blu's heartbeat.

About an hour later you're in the office, and the principal is arguing with Ms. Blu and your mother over the punishment. You listened in, staring at your bloodied and bruised hands.

"Mx. L/n has a perfectly clean record up until now! I see no reason Juvie should come in order." Ms. Blu said, her voice muffled through the wall.

"You have Ryan's blood on your shirt, Blu. What if they act out in this violence again?" The principal responded.

"Oh so what if the brat goes to juvie for a while? They might actually learn something there!" Your mother interjected.

"Blu, you're the only one against this. I'm afraid you can't protect them forever." The principal said.

You didn't hear anything else, but Ms. Blue walked out of the office, anger evident in her features until she made eye contact with you, and they soften. There was blood on her grey tank top.

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