Dad!Dark X Teen!Reader: Protect

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A/n: I had a very bad nightmare. Enjoy~!

(Tw: slight mention of gore) 

Dark isn't up late all the time, in fact it's a rare occasion. He likes a steady schedule, but he had so. Much. Paperwork. He doesn't want to be completely bombarded by work when he gets to work tomorrow, so he'll complete the stack he had for tonight. Luckily, he got to go home and work in his office there, so at least he got to see his child before they went off to sleep, and he got to change into pajamas. Well, pajama pants. He's not much a fan of shirts when he sleeps.

Speaking of his child, he keeps hearing thrashing, and movement from their room. His worry grows as he hears a shriek, a large thud, and then quick padding of footsteps down the hall. He raises from his seat, and quickly follows after the footsteps.

He ends up on the kitchen, watching his teen guzzle down a large glass of water, before going to refill it. They were clad in their underwear and an oversized hoodie- Yan's hoodie if he is remembering correctly. They had tears streaming down their face, a bruise on their thigh, and they were trembling.

"Y/n?" He says softly, and they jump, cup falling with a rather loud thud into the sink, and pouring a majority of the water out, as they turn to look at him.

"Oh! H-hi Dad." They mumble, going to wipe their eyes with the sleeve of their shirt, "I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"No, I had some extra work to do. Is everything alright?" Dark approaches them, grabbing softly onto the arm they're trying so desperately to wipe their face with. Once the hand is removed, he sees the big bruise on their face. "Oh my dear, what happened, Darling?"

"I had a weird dream, and tried to fight it in my sleep, and I Uh... kinda bruised myself up." They chuckle falsely. Dark heads towards the fridge and grabs an ice pack, placing softly against their face, apologizing when they wince.

They sit in silence.

"So what was this 'dream' about?" Dark asks, they're silent for a minute, refusing to make eye contact. He speaks again, "If you're comfortable with talking about it, that is."

"No- I mean- I probably should." They sniff, looking up quickly, before breaking eye contact and staring at the floor.

"I... it starts out and it's everyone just there and having fun and... and then someone comes along... I-I-I don't know they are... b-but then they... grab Uncle Wil... a-and they break him. Every part of him. Fingers, ribs, skull. And they keep asking- pleading- for me to help him. But I can't. I can't even talk about what they do to you." They whimper, and they've started crying again, and gripping tightly on the hem of their hoodie.

Dark pulls them into his embrace almost immediately after they finish talking. He doesn't say anything- because they already know it would never happen, and even if it did, nobody would blame them- just holds them until they stop trembling.

"Let's get you back to bed, okay sweetheart?" He asks, pulling back slightly. He looks them in the face, and they nod, trying not to look him in the eyes.

He walks them upstairs, and ticks them in, and as he's about to leave, he falls a hand grab his wrist.

"Ah, please don't leave." They whisper, and immediately their face flushes in embarrassment. Dark turns to look at them, and they're not making eye contact, "I really don't wanna be alone."

Dark chuckles and climbs into the bed, climbing under the blanket and wrapping his arms around their smaller frame. They hug right back, cuddling closer.

"I love you, Dad." They mumble. He smiles, and plants a kiss on top of their head.

"I love you too sweetheart."

A/n: man, I have daddy issues and it shows.

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