Dads (Iplier Egos)

707 11 1

A/n: Enjoy~!

(Non-binary phobia? Idk what it's called.)

Yan got into a fight. Now, Yan, being Wilford's child, has some threatening tendencies, but has never actually hurt anybody.

Dark walks in, ignoring what the teacher is shouting about what a degenerate his child is, and looks at Yan, who's avoiding eye contact with him. Yan has a black eye, and cut cheek. After the teacher is done yelling, Dark glares at her.

"Are you done behaving like a child? If you are I'd like to check Yan out and go." Dark says, anger lacing his voice. The teacher had continuously used Yan's wrong pronouns.

"Oh, I just need to discuss a few things with you, and then you are all free to go, Mr. Iplier." The principal says from behind them.

Wilford was in the car, because Dark didn't want him to kill anyone, especially after that teacher misgendered Yan.

"Since Yan is a very good student, and I'd hate for them to be looked at as a criminal, I'll give them one day suspension and two days ISS." The principal explains, and is very reasonable. She's a kind lady.

"I'm so sorry about this, Ms. Berry. Do you mind me asking who they fought?" Dark asks.

"You know the teacher who was shouting about what a degenerate Yan was? Her son. He constantly causes trouble. But she somehow always gets him back into classes. I'll have to fire her. I had no clue she was misgendering Yan or I would've fired her immediately. I'm sure Yan was completely in the right, but I can't just let them punching a student slide. I'm sorry he's caused so much trouble." She explains with a sigh, and an apologetic look on her face.

"It's fine." Dark sighs, getting up and shaking hands with Ms. Berry.

"Oh, and Mr. Iplier, you are friend with that mute fellow, Mr. Jackson, aren't you?" She asks, and Dark nods. "Check on that Robbie child of his. I heard what happened had something to do with him, Mr. Jackson has already come to take Robbie home."

Everything fell into place in his mind as he thought up reasons for Yan's outburst.

As he arrives to the car, he sees Yan with tears in their eyes, and an angry Wilford looking out of the window.

"D-Dad I-" Yan starts, but Dark puts his hand, so Yan stops. Dark gives them a calm look.

"It's fine, Yan. We'll talk about it after we get home and calm Wil down." Dark says softly. Yan nods in return, Dark picks up his phone to call Chase, Robbie's other dad, considering they were the only other gay couple at the school.

"Hello?" Chase sighs.

"I was told by Ms. Berry that what happened today had something to do with Robbie." Dark mumbles.

"Yan saved his ass. Apparently this group of guys was picking on him because he didn't talk much to everyone else, and uses sign language when anxious. And Yan punched a bunch of them in the face, not without getting a few hits back." Chase replies.

"I knew Yan wouldn't do something without reason. Thank you, Chase. I'll talk to you later." Dark sighs, and hangs up after Chase says goodbye.

After they got home, Wilford went to the garden, wanting a clear head before trying to talk to anyone so he wouldn't snap or freak.

Dark has Yan sit on the kitchen counter as he grabs the first aid. Soon, he gets Yan an ice pack and a band-aid on their cheek.

"Is there anywhere else?" Dark asks. Yan removes their shirt, revealing large bruises and cuts, and Dark feels his heart sink. Who could do this to someone so kind hearted and friendly? "Do you think they broke a rib? I can run you by Doc, he's in his office today I think."

"No, they mostly just got my stomach and lower body." Yan says, almost in a whisper. Dark adds Neosporin and band-aids, when he's done, he places another ice pack on the large bruise on Yan's stomach.

"Ms. Berry was very kind when giving you a punishment, you should thank her when you return to school." Dark mumbles, having to distract himself by grabbing Yan something to drink to stop from crying.

"I know. She thinks it's unfair students have to get punished for self defense." Yan mumbles.

"Do you want to discuss everything now?" Dark asks, not looking back at Yan after handing them their drink.

"They kept picking on Robbie, until the first one pushed him to the ground, I just got so angry. And when there was enough of them gathered to over power me..." Yan takes in a shaky breath before continuing, "they kept calling me by my dead name and he. A-and I'm not- I'm not- I'm not a he- I'm a they- I'm a they! I-I..." Yan's breathing started to get heavier as they kept talking, Dark wraps his arms around his child.

"I know. I know, I know you're a they. I know your name is Yan." Dark whispers reassuringly, and he doesn't stop until Yan has stopped shaking.

Dark pulls back, cupping Yan's cheek, staring at their teary and puffy eyes and red face. He wipes their tears with his thumb, kissing their forehead and cradling them to his chest.

Wil enters, and is finally calm. He asks what happens, and Dark says he'll explain later, and let's Yan calm down in his, and soon Wil's, arms.

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