Egos X Teen!Reader: Sleep

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A/n: trust me on this, I am trained teenager I know exactly how this goes. Enjoy~!

(You're like 16 or 15)

Ah, the challenges of being a teenager. One thing you've struggled with, your entire life actually, was sleep. It never came easy, and it never lasted as long as it should. Either you'd have to do stuff or everyone was loud or anxiety or whatever other mental issue got in the way. Insomnia is bullshit and so is being a teenager.

Today is a Friday, so all the egos meet together for fun. Dark is the planner this week. There, of course, was a set of rules everyone must follow. The usual of, no murder, no hard drugs or alcohol, no mentioning of past traumas, and no activities that would be any kind of major danger towards humans.

The night starts around six, everyone is gathered and waiting for Dark to announce what he has planned.

"Usually I'd have a dinner party or whatever, but I'm exhausted so... movie night." Dark mumbles.

"Now that you say it how have we not done a movie night before?" Marvin asks.

Nobody has an answer.

Everyone grabs snacks and drinks, and settles in. Dark has written down everyone's name and put it in a hat, mixed it around, and whoever gets pulled will pick a movie.

Anti gets picked first, and he chooses The Bye Bye Man. Luckily, you are good enough at pointing out however many continuity errors you needed to to calm your anxieties about it. Also it's hilariously bad, it's not only just a garbage plot line, but it had so much continuity fuckery, it's not even fun to mock.

Every once in a while Eric, who was on your left would get closer to you, you'd point out a continuity error or bad acting to make him calm down. Eric is dressed in clothes from Derek's store. On your right is Wilford, your father, who didn't mind scary movies, but hated now dark and dull it all was. Your father was in a bright yellow tee and pink sweats. In front of you, on the floor, is Robbie, he doesn't really care for horror movies, considering how a lot of them portray zombies. Robbie is dressed in pajama pants and a white and black striped shirt.

"Is that a movie you like or one you just wanted to see?" You ask.

"Just wanted to see." Anti shrugs.

"Good cuz I didn't wanna hurt your feelings but that movie is god awful. So much horrid continuity and fuck all plot lines." You mumble. Most of the room agrees, including Anti.

"Kinda wish I chose Silence of the Lambs now." Anti replies.

Next is Yandereplier, who chose All The Bright Places. They say they read the book and want to see if the movie is any good.

You enjoy it quite a lot actually, you did end up crying at the end.

"Not funny. I cried." You mumble, wiping away a tear as your dad chuckles and pulls you slowly into his chest. When you're done crying, you don't move away.

You know Bim got to choose next, but you didn't hear what he said, some random comedy or something. The sound of your dad's calmingly paced heart beat, and the slow movement of his chest lull you to sleep.


Wilford doesn't notice until a funny part of the movie comes up, and he looks down to see if Y/n laughed too, that they're asleep. He doesn't dare move, he instead taps Dark on the shoulder.

"Pass me that blanket right there, please." He mumbles.

"Is it too cold in here?" Dark asks, grabbing for the blanket.

Wilford shakes his head, "N/n fell asleep, and I don't want them getting cold." He unfolds the blanket and lays it over his sleeping teen. He tries to make them as comfortable as possible, and kisses their forehead as they slept.

Y/n starts letting off light snores, catching the attention of Dark, Eric, and Robbie, they're not extremely loud, just people in a close vicinity can hear them. Dark chuckles softly, and Will grabs his phone to take a picture, with flash off.

Soon, everyone in the room is aware that Y/n is asleep, and they play quiet movies to let them sleep. They wouldn't even imagine trying to move them.

Though the night was quiet and not usual what they'd do, it was peaceful, and Will knowing that his child got to sleep for six whole hours made the night even better.

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