Schneep X Male!Reader: Not-So-Good-Doctors

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A/n: as requested, I hope you Enjoy~!

(No trigger or content warnings! It's completely fluff today!)

"Come on Schneep, you're sick, and you can't work-" Chase tries, but is cut off.

"I am completely-" Schneep is stopped by his own hacking coughs, "Fine! Now I have to get to work!" His accent was less prominent with his stuffy nose.

"Can you talk some sense into him?" Chase asks JJ, and JJ shrugs.

I can't talk at all. He signs, he can ignore my hands easily, he can't ignore a voice.

"Come on, look at him! He didn't even add sugar to his coffee. He used salt and refused to admit otherwise." Chase sighs, and JJ gives a thoughtful, before an idea strikes.


"Hello?" Y/n replies, he got a call from his boyfriend's family, which usually doesn't mean good, but considering the stuff chase has called him over, he's not so worried.

"Y/n! Listen bro, Schneep is sick and is still working and you're the only one who can convince him to go back to bed." Chase says, worry obvious in his voice for the ironically sick doctor.

"Give me about 45 minutes." Y/n sighs, already annoyed with the stubborn doctor.

"Thanks Y/n." Chase replies, a smile evident in his voice.

"I do love the Bastard, I'll see you in a bit Chase." Y/n shrugs, though Chase can't see him.


Schneep is working in his office at home today, so at least he isn't at the hospital he picks up shifts at.

"Henrik?" Y/n's voice is soft as he enters the room, a Tupperware bowl in his hand filled with a yellow-ish liquid.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" He asks, turning from some files in his hands.

"Chase called me, and told me you were sick so-"

"I am not sick!"

"Henrik." Y/n says sternly. "You can't make people better if you yourself aren't well. So either put the file down and get to your room or I'll make you."

Henrik stares at Y/n for a second, he knows that Y/n won't hesitate to pick him up and carry him to his bed room, but how does he want to lose?

He sighs, deciding to walk to his room and not behave like a child.

"Oh, good. I made you soup by the way. It's my Mom's old recipe from when I was a kid."

Chase states in awe as Henrik trudges to his room tiredly, with Y/n following closely behind, a small smile on his face.

"How did you do that?"

"I'm magical."

"That's beyond magic." Marvin grumbles.

Henrik removed his work clothes, slipping on the sweatpants he slept in, and sliding under the covers. 

Y/n grabs a chair and sits next to the bed, sitting the bowl down on the bed side table.

"I'm glad you decided not to fight me. I did not feel like carrying you." Y/n giggles.

Henrik raises an eyebrow .

"I still would. Don't test me, Love." Y/n states.

Henrik puts his hands up defense.

"What kinda soup didja bring?" Henrik sniffs, snuggling further into his comforter.

"It's just some basic chicken noodle soup. I also have cough drops, water, ibuprofen- speaking of which-" Y/n puts the back of his hand on Henrik's forehead and cheek. "-Christ, Henrik, you're on fire! Take this ibuprofen and here's water. You need to sleep off this fever first, and when you wake up you can have soup."

Henrik nods in agreement, doing as he's told.

"I'm sorry I'm taking up your day." Henrik apologizes.

"I was planning on coming to bother you while you were working anyway, at least this way I'm being productive. I love you Henrik."

"Love you too Y/n."

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