Family Dinner (Multiple)

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A/n: I have family dinners with my grandparents just about every Sunday. It's commonly Chaos. Enjoy~!

Ah, Sundays. Most people are off work, going to church, all that Jazz.

You? You are helping your boyfriend make dinner for his creator and many other egos. As well as his friend's creator and egos. So many people, you don't mind. Cooking is your passion, as well as your chosen occupation. You are head chef at the most popular restaurant in LA.

"Dark, I have to use the restroom, make sure the ham doesn't get too dry, add a little bit of Coca Cola if it looks so." You explain.

"I know, darling, I'm not completely helpless in the kitchen." He sighs, you smile, removing the apron from around your neck and heading towards the bathroom.

When you return, luckily, nothing is burned down, but more people have arrived.

"Hey! Only three people in the kitchen at a time! Me, Bing, and the occasional person checking in on us. Everyone else out of my working space." You call.

"It's nice to see you too, Y/n." Seán smiles, bringing you into a quick hug, and kissing your cheek.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be with all of you once the ham and chicken are done. Until then, shoo."

They finally follow your instructions and leave. You only had about ten to twenty minutes on the ham and chicken anyway. You feel a tap on your shoulder, and as you're about to yell at someone to leave, you see JJ holding a pan of something blue with whipped cream on top. He sets it on the counter and starts signing.

I always feel bad about how you cook everything, so I made some desert! It's not much, but- you cut off his signing by grabbing his hands.

"I'm sure it's perfect, JJ. Thank you, but never feel bad about how I cook everything. I wouldn't do this if I didn't want to." You smile brightly at him. "A poke-hole cake, I'm assuming? Blue raspberry is always a great choice."

JJ blushes, before signing, It was the only thing I was sure the others couldn't mess up. You chuckle.

"Now, as much as I appreciate it, I still need you to leave the kitchen. I'll see you in a bit, JJ!" He leaves with a simple nod and wave.

"He's my favorite of the Septic egos." You mumble to Bing, taking the ham out of the oven to pour a little more Coke over it before it's done cooking.

He raises his eyebrows, "And who's your favorite of the Iplier egos?"

"I'm not legally obligated to answer that, am I?" You joke, putting the ham back in. Bing simply looks away. "Clearly the one I'm choosing to date is my favorite, Bing."

Dark wraps his arms around you from behind, kissing your cheek. You wink at Bing, putting a finger to your lips, motioning for him to be quiet, he rolls his eyes with a grin.

After you're done cooking, and everything is set, you join your new family for dinner. Laughing and talking fills the room, as well as the occasional debate.

Dark leans from his seat next to you, and kisses your temple, "Thank you for cooking, Darling." He whispers.

"Anytime." You smile.

"I've always meant to ask- why do you like cooking so much?" Marvin asks, taking a bite of whatever he has on his plate.

"Growing up, I only had my Dad and my grandma... and until I was around ten, my grandma taught me that one of the best ways to show someone you love them is food! And when she passed away.... that's how my dad would say he loved me. He was never good with words or hugs." You explain shyly, everyone suddenly paying attention, "Now that he's gone too... I want to show you guys how much I love you! You're all I have left, after all."

You suddenly feel arms being wrapped around you. Like lots of arms. Multiple people hug you, and you try and hug them back.

"My arms aren't long enough to hug all of you." You mumble, causing multiple people to laugh.

Once everyone is sat down and back to eating dinner, the conversations start up again. It's absolutely chaos, but you love it.

The bickering between Edward and Henrik, the discussion of performance between Wilford, Bim, and Marvin, the quiet mumbles and gestures between JJ, Host, and Eric, the reporting of the Jim's, Mark and Seàn laughing loudly over something nobody else understood, Anti chiming in every once in a while just to play the devil's advocate, Robbie trying to form proper sentences with Google, who's being surprisingly patient with him, Bing and Chase discussing some kind of vlog type thing, Jackie sharing stories or scars and fights with Illinois, Yancy explaining some over the top musical number to Captain Magnum, and so much more.

You sit quietly, chiming in on whatever conversation peaks your interest.

Sundays are always interesting when two YouTubers accidentally bring beings into existence.

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