Did You Just... Say? (JSE Egos)

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A/n: I got an idea. Enjoy~!

"Chase, you have to talk about this." Jackie says, leaning against the locked bedroom door.

Basically, Chase had accidentally mentioned just how he feels after Stacy took the kids. They knew he wasn't mentally stable, but goodness.

"I don't wanna be a burden-" Chase is cut off by a voice unrecognizable to all three men.

"You are not. Chase we love you more than anything." The voice has a posh, British accent to it, it has a rather low pitch, and it stops everything that is occurring. It sounds rather "from the chest" if that makes sense.

Chase opens the door, and looks at JJ, who has a face just as shocked.

"Did you just... say?" Chase asks. Did it make complete sense? No. Did the others understand? Yes.

JJ is afraid to speak again. He opens his mouth, and replies, "I... Did. I'm talking. Since when can I talk?"

"Were you so absolutely genuine and passionate about your thoughts you just gained the ability to fucking talk?!" Jackie asks.

JJ nods, "I.. believe so."

Jackie and Chase sit down with JJ to see how he sounds.

Of course, they asked how he screamed first. Classic Seàn scream. They don't know what they expected.

Next is singing. His voice is gorgeous. He sings a song he's heard on the radio a couple times. It's soft and quiet. His voice is perfect for it.

"Oh that's just unfair." Jackie mumbles.

"What?" JJ asks.

"Dude, you sounded awesome!" Chase smiles widely. JJ blushes lightly at the compliment.

"Thank you." He chuckles softly.

Marvin enters the front door. "What's going on?"

"Well, I've somehow found the ability to talk." JJ replies.

Marvin gasps, and then squeals in happiness like a little girl, "It worked!"

JJ raises an eyebrow, as do Chase and Jackie.

"You know how I made you tea the other day? Well, in it was magic that would give you the ability to talk- and before you get angry at me I used a very difficulty, yet harmless spell. The most it would've done if it had gone wrong was a headache for an hour or two." Marvin says quickly.

JJ is conflicted, angry at his brother for using magic on him without his knowing, but also he can talk!

"Will this wear off?" JJ asks. That will decide his emotions towards Marvin at the moment.

"It shouldn't. If it does I can just do it again." Marvin is almost jumping up and down in excitement.

"It was not your place to use magic on me without my knowledge. But, considering it worked, I'll forgive you." JJ smiles softly.

"Dude why does everything you say go so perfectly with your voice?" Chase asks. He's obviously the most mesmerized by JJ's new voice.

Henrik, Seàn, and Robbie arrive at the same time.

"Good Afternoon." JJ says.

They all stop moving.

"What the fuck?" Seàn and Henrik say in unison, and Robbie's just excited to hear his voice.

Marvin calls Anti.

"It worked."

"You're shitting me."

"Come see for yourself."

Anti teleports, Dark has accidentally got caught in his teleportation range.

"Hello Anti, Dark." JJ greets.

"What?" Dark says, eyes widening.

"Oh that's- fuck." Anti replies.

"Since... isn't your whole thing that you're mute? And when you appear in videos you use like 1920s card talk?" Dark asks.

"Marvin our magic in my tea." JJ explains.

"Has he screamed yet?" Anti asks.

"Sounds like Seàn." Jackie nods.

"What about singing?"

"Sounds like a friggin angel." Chase responds. JJ blushes again at the compliment.

"... Can I hear it?" Anti asks.

JJ has suddenly become nervous, "I-I don't know. It's not that good really."

"Please?" Anti mumbles.

JJ sighs and does. Everyone is mesmerized.

"This is just rude at this point. How come you designed him with a beautiful voice but we have your voice?" Marvin asks Seàn.


JJ laughs, and everyone stops. Even his laugh sounded amazing, the only person not envious of him was Dark and that's because have you heard him? Yeah, I thought so.

Dark leaves shortly after, still having business at the manor, and everyone else just continues to listen to JJ speak.

They made him say curse words, which he didn't like very much, but he was also curious how he said those words. He doesn't wanna say those words again, but at least he knows.

Would he be able to talk the next video he was in? Would the fans like his voice? The others surely did. A little too much probably.

Ah well, that was a worry and thought for when it came.

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