Anti X Reader: Bloody Clothes

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A/n: I got blood on my shirt from nose bleed and inspiration struck. Enjoy~!

(Warning: Blood, violence, knives.)

Anti didn't mean to. He hadn't in so long. But fuck it felt good. He cackles as he falls to the ground, blood covering his new, white shirt, and just about all over his arms.

He hears a gasp from behind him, that snaps him out of his trance.

"Y-Y/n." He stutters. They have shock and fear in their face as they look at the bloodied and beaten corpse, but when they turn to Anti, that look fades into concern. Before he can continue this sentence, they approach him, taking off his shirt, his knife dropping to the floor.

"Is the blood still fresh?" They ask, he nods. They head into the kitchen, running cold water over the shirt first, then adding dish soap and rubbing it together. (This is actually how to get blood out of clothes.;))

Anti stands up and follows after them. "Take off your pants too, and go get in the shower, I'll clean the blood of the floor. When you get back we can figure out what to do with the body." They didn't hesitate or stop cleaning as they continue to clean out the blood.

Anti listens to them, removing his pants and heading upstairs towards the shower.

Once he's done and heading back downstairs, he sees Y/n scrubbing away at the floor, and he also smells tomato sauce.

"Tomato sauce?" He asks.

"In case there is a stain, I covered it with tomato sauce, you were making spaghetti and you split the sauce all over yourself and the carpet." They state.

Anti is kind of terrified by how well they're handling this. They were quick on their feet, and new exactly what to do. It is also kind of hot.

They both decide to burn the body in the basement. Covering up the smock detector with a wet cloth, and opening the small window at the top to let the smoke out.

They'd take the remainder of the bones, and hide them sporadically over town, in the dirt, in alleyways, give some to dogs.

When Y/n steps out of the shower, changing into pajamas, as it's near midnight when they're done with everything. They go to the bedroom, and find Anti pacing the room. He stops as they arrive.

"I'm sorry." He mumbles.

"About?" They ask, yawning and heading towards the bed.

"You had to clean up a body today, that I killed, and I barely did anything."

"Anti Ive always known what you could do and who you were. And I stayed with you. You couldn't get rid of me that easily even if you tried." They smile, kneeling on the bed, and pulling Anti closer by his shirt, until their faces were inches apart. They had a soft grip on the color of his shirt. They close the gap between them. Anti kisses back, relief filling his body.

"I love you." He mumbles.

"I love you too Anti."

A/n: I am bored.

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