Robbie X Female!Reader: The Zombie Song

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A/n: I may just not know where I'm looking but I've not found a single one shot with Robbie and The Zombie Song and that is literally the greatest play because he's actually a zombie and I know this song word for word so. Enjoy~!

(Also I realize how much I'm writing girl reader x whoever and if you want a non-binary one or a male one just tell me who you want and I'll do it!)

Our love story
Could be kinda gory
Far from boring
We meet at a post...

Robbie glances over at the beautiful h/c girl, beating her way through other zombies. Would she hate him?

You'd be hiding in
A second floor apartment
Knocking all the stairs down
To save your life
From the undead

She tried destroying the stairs with a bat, but one was still persistent.

Double barrel shotgun
Taking out the slow ones
Then you'd see the passion
Burning in my eyes
And I'd keep my head...

Robbie shot a random zombie, who was attacking his Y/n. That's what he had learned her name was.

"Hey, thanks!" She exhales a chuckle. Robbie makes a sound in acknowledgement, "Hey, are you okay? You look really pale.."

"Robbie... born blind... Robbie dad...tried to fix... Messed up... Many problems...." he explains as best he could.

"I'm sorry bud! Why don't you come with me and my friends! We can help protect you. It's the least I could do for you saving me!" She exclaims, offering her hand, and Robbie accepts with a nod. "Great! So... I'm gonna assume your name is Robbie, I'm Y/n!"

"Nice... meet you.. Y/n." Robbie smiles.

And all of your friends
That try to kill us
But only because our love is deeper
Than Edward and Bella's

"Guys! This is Robbie! He saved me from a horde a ways away!" Y/n cheers.

"What's up with him?" A guy scowls.

"He was born blind and his dad tried to fix him, but it didn't go well. He has many problems." Y/n defends. Robbie was just smiling.

"Y/n? Can you help me clean my clothes? I got blood all over me again!" A girl calls.

"Sure! Robbie, this is Tyler and Amy, Mark and Ethan our out for food right now, and Kathryn is out getting water to purify! Just make yourself comfy!" Y/n cheers, running after Amy.

Tyler doesn't seem very welcoming, but as long as he didn't stand in Robbie's way, he was safe.

"Hey Y/n?" Amy whispers, "I wouldn't trust him... he looks a lot like Sean..."

"He saved me, Amy! Why would he save me if he wanted to hurt me?"

And I'd try
Not to bite and infect you
I respect you too much

Robbie stares at her bare neck, opened up by putting her hair in a scrunchy. She was getting a bloody stain out of her shirt, and her neck was tempting him..

He can't though. That would be rude.

That's why I'd wait until we got married
And our happiest day would be spent
Picking off all your friends
And they'd see
A love this deep won't stay buried

"Y/n..." Robbie says. They've been together for years, and most zombies are gone now.

"What's up Robbie?" She smiles.

"I'm... zombie." He mumbles.

"I always had that suspicion." She sighs, "I'm just surprised you hadn't bitten me yet." She wraps her arms around his neck, "Cuz I wouldn't mind. It's not like anybody else is human anymore." He looks at her hesitantly. "Amy left, Ethan and Tyler got eaten, Mark offed himself, and Kathryn... yeah... It's just you and me, Baby, as long as you don't leave me, I'll be a zombie forever."

He looks at her in the eyes, and she sure as hell is genuine. Robbie lowers his head into the crook of her neck.

He opens his mouth, "Robbie... loves... Y/n." He then bit down, and felt her collapse against him, stabbing her in the process. So she would die and come back a zombie. He felt bad, but then she straightened up.

"Y/n... loves... Robbie." She mumbles.

A/n: I don't if you guys have played that like zombie love game where you try to save your gf from zombies but you both end up a zombie and just have a lot of fun but that is exactly what I wrote but I didn't realize it until I reread it.

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