Marvin X Reader: Jolly Ranchers

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A/n: jolly ranchers are my favorite candy :). Enjoy~!

also this is more like a Drabble

Mavin was spending the day with his significant other and his "brothers." They weren't actually related, but the situation was complicated.

"I love them so much." He sighs as he sits next to JJ and Henrik. JJ smiles at Marvin's words, he thinks they are an adorable couple, and is very happy for his brother.

"Why?" Henrik asks. Now, he wasn't being facetious or rude, he's just genuinely curious.

Marvin sat in thought, before standing up, "Watch this."

He approaches his lover, who was having a conversation with Anti about knives. They pop a jolly rancher in their mouth. "Love? May I have a jolly rancher?"

"Oh no! This was my last one!" They exclaim.

"It's fine, here." Marvin mumbles. He kisses them, grabbing the jolly rancher with his tongue, and pulling away. He bites it in half, and pulls them in for another kiss to give them the bigger piece.

"Are your teeth okay?!" They ask, grabbing his face and looking in his mouth to make sure nothing bad had happened. Marvin laughs, grabbing their hands and pulling them off his face.

"I'm fine, Love."

"I know you are, but you're not supposed to bite jolly ranchers!"

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