Yanderiplier X Reader: Not Saturday

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A/n: you can't control me. Enjoy~!

(Warning: kidnapping)

(Also I headcannon Yanderiplier is non-binary)

You had not a clue what was happening. You remember hanging out with an underclassmen named Yan. They asked you if you two could go out Saturday. Your brother was going to be in town on Saturday, so you said. "No, but..." and then everything goes dark.

You open your eyes, but something is covering them, so you try to move your arms, but they're confided by something.

"Ah, you're awake." An almost familiar voice rings. You move slightly backwards as they move towards, and feel your back hit the chair. "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you. That's not my job."

You're anxiety, high as it is, starts to restrict your breathing, he notices and sighs. "Hey breathe, that was a joke, nobody is gonna hurt you." He removes the cloth from your eyes. Stands in front of you a man who looks similar to Yan, but with red, blue, and pink hair. He has a small crown tilting to the left of his head, and a mask on the right, covering his right eye. The mask was of some kind of bear. "I'm the King of FNAF but most people just call Freddy." 


Upstairs, Dark and Wilford were having a conversation about what to do with Yan and their... friend. 

"I understand you're trying to protect Yan Wil, but if we just return them now, they'll have some recollection." Dark sighs.

"Why don't we just let Yan keep them? Yan is a very trustworthy owner, you've see how they behave with Chica!" Wilford explains.

"That's someone's child! What if someone took Yan from you?" Dark asks. Wilford frowns.


It's been silent for a while, as you try to figure out how to get out of the chair, and fight off Freddy to escape.

"I have a question. Why did you turn down Yan?" He asks.

"Wh-what?" You ask.

"Yan said you turned them down, they came home crying."

"I said no because my older brother is coming into town Saturday. I was gonna ask if they were free sometime later." You respond.

"Wait... really?" He asks. "Oh my god... I need to go. I'll send Bing to watch you." Panic fills you again.

A man who looks similar to Freddy with glasses and a black shirt with the word Bing in bright orange.

"Suuuhhh dude, Fred told me to like keep an eye on you."


Freddy goes to find Yan, who is in their room.

"Hey Fred! Are they awake? Did you leave them alone?" Yan asks.

"They weren't gonna say no."


"Their older brother is coming into town and they were gonna ask to reschedule."

"Oh my god what have I done? We need to tell dad." Yan rushes downstairs.

"Dad? I need help. I don't know what to do. They weren't gonna tell me no." Yan says shyly.

"What?!" Dark asks, his red and blue outline separating from his silhouette. Yan flinches, Dark notices so he takes a deep breath and goes quiet.

"Okay. I have an idea. Go get Google."


Three men came running into the room. One was gray and had blue and red glowing around him, one had a giant G on their shirt, and one had a Pink mustache and a gun.

"Are you sure about this?"


The one in a blue shirt put his hand on your head and suddenly everything goes black.


Google is able to, though very strangely, can make all of this seem like a dream, by erasing and replacing things. Dark would carry you to Yan's room, and say you fainted randomly while talking.


You jump awake up, gasping violently. You look around, and find Yan looking at you with concern.

"Are you feeling alright?" They ask. You realize there was an ice pack on your head, that fell on your lap.

"Umm.. yeah... what- what happened?" You ask.

"We were talking and you just passed out." Yan answers, "you seem out of it, do you need something?"

"I just... had a really weird dream.. I was kidnapped and some guy named Freddy asked me about you... but he was an animatronic wolf. And there were three men dressed as mice. And they all kind of looked like you." You sigh. "Where are we?"

"This is my room!" Yan smiles. You look around at the posters and picture, and notice one of you and Yan at the arcade, and you also notice a picture of what you assume is their family, there's a man in a suit who looks kinda blurry and a man with a pink mustache. They both seem vaguely familiar

"It's... cute." You note. "What time is it?"

"It's about six." They reply, and panic sets in.

"Six? I'm supposed to meet my family for dinner in 30 minutes!" You say, yanking off the blanket, and attempting to stand up but your vision goes black and you fall back onto the bad. Yan hovers over you as you regain your vision.

"My dad has already contacted them and they're on their way." Yan says softly.

You sigh, "Thank you. I don't know what I would do without you Yan." You smile, sitting up in the bed. Yan blushes brightly. "Hey, what were we talking about when I passed out?"

"I asked if you wanted to go on a date Saturday." Yan smiles.

"I can't do Saturday, but if you don't go to church I can make Sunday?" You offer.

"Sounds good!" Yan replies. 

After your family came to pick you up, Dark gave Yan a stern warning to not kidnap anyone again. But as long as you were their's, they wouldn't need to.

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