Anti X Reader: Insecurities

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A/n: I suddenly have inspiration, sorry that I am, in fact, a liar. Enjoy~!

(Warning: fuck you!)
(this Warning is not authorized by the author)

Anti glares at himself in the mirror, the gash in his neck oozing with blood. He moves his jaw upwards to get a better look at it.

It looks hideous. He hates it.

He then moves his head back down to focus on something different.

His eyes.

One is completely pitch black and the other was well... it had a blue iris, like all of his brothers, but the rest is a sickening dark lime green color.

He hates that they are different.

He removes his shirt, trying to find anything good. Though he had abs, the rest is just scars. Childhood, fighting Dark, and one is from his left collarbone all the way down to his hip. It was deep and jagged and ugly.

Why couldn't he just look normal?

He could change forms, but that's exhausting.

"Baby!" He hears a loving voice call, "I'm home, and I've got Mexican!"

It's his significant other. He doesn't understand why they love him, but they do and he doesn't question them. I mean, the bad guy never gets the lover, right? So for them to love him was crazy.

He hears them march up the stairs, approaching their room.

"Babe?" They say softly, opening the door slowly.

"Hm?" Anti grunts a query in their direction, but doesn't pay attention.

"What are you doing?" They ask, their nose scrunched in confusion and a smile on their face.

"I'm... hideous." Anti sighs.

"What?! Are you fucking crazy?" They asks with a look of disbelief.

"No! Y/n, look at me! My eyes are strange and I have nothing but scars and gashes all over my body." Anti says angrily, realizing he is on the brink of tears.

His lover looks at him with a sad frown.

"Baby... no." They mumble. "Your eyes are beautiful! I wish mine were so extravagant! And this gash, it's... hmm." They tried to form words.

"Excruciating?" Anti suggests.

"Exciting!" They exclaims, and Anti looks confused, "My friends talked about it for weeks after you met them! They thought it was so cool how my boyfriend has awesome battle scars!"

Anti is in awe. What were they saying?

"And your scars are..." they pauses to approach him, laying their head on his shoulder, grabbing the other side of his face softly, and pulling him closer, they wraps their front leg around his hips, because they can't reach his waist. He grabs their leg instinctually and wraps one arm around their waist to keep them from falling. They whisper, "incredibly sexy."

Anti blushes slightly, feeling a wet kiss be placed on his jaw.

"You're amazing." Anti smiles.

"Not as amazing as you! But we have good to get to before it gets cold! We can continue talking about how amazing you are after your shirt is on! Plus I haven't eaten today." They mumble, their stomach grumbling at the thought.

As they walk away, Anti stares at them in absolute awe.

They really believe all that?

Anti smiles to himself as he follows after them, putting his shirt back on.

He's lucky, that's for sure.

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