Yancy X Reader: Youse Actually Came

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It's December 15, 2019. The third Sunday. You look at yourself in the mirror, not recognizing yourself in the disguise. Your usual h/c hair, covered with a long (color) wig. (Color) Contacts covering your usual e/c irises. You've dawned a trench coat as well as a full face of make up, not to seem pretty, but to not be recognized by Mr. Murderslaughter.

As you exit your room, Mark stares at you, with his leg and arm in a cast from being thrown through the wall.

"What?" You ask.

"I almost didn't realize it was you for a second." He smiles, "you know you don't have to do this."

"He helped me escaped from prison, Mark, all he requested in return was me visit him the third Sunday of every month." You sigh.

Mark looks at you, as if he knows it's probably something else, but shrugs it off. "Don't get caught." You nod.

You walk into Happy Trails Penitentiary, the woman asks why you are here.

"I'm here for to visit someone." You reply quietly, anxious she'll recognize you. But she doesn't give you a second thought.


"Marian Wood." (Steal this name for a second so you don't show up in the system)

She attempts to speak, but is interrupted.

"You're here to visit Yancy aren't you?" An all too familiar voice pipes up, "He mentioned he was expecting someone this morning. Say uh I didn't know Yancy had anybody left."

"I'm uh... an old friend." You say anxiously. You never said anything to him, so he shouldn't recognize your voice.  And from what you can tell he doesn't.

He gives a thoughtful hum, before turning to lead you to the room where you were to visit Yancy. You requested a conjugal visit, now that sounds like you're up to something. But truth is, you don't know how many people this disguise can fool. And you did get along really well with Heapass and Shit hole Hank with your short time there.

You enter a room, where Yancy is sitting at a table. Mr Murderslaughter wishes you two a fun time and that he'll announce when you have 5 minutes left, before slamming the door behind him.

"Hey Yancy." You smile.

"Youse actually came." He says, a soft voice with his protruding accent.

"Yeah. You saved my life. It's the most I could do to repay you." You respond quietly.

"Loving the new look." He says sincerely.

"Ah, I didn't want the warden to recognize me, even Mark said he didn't know it was me, I'm surprised you did." You chuckle lightly.

"Youse can't hide them eyes from me, even if they is a different color." Yancy responds softly. You blush brightly at his remark with a slight chuckle. "Not to change the subject but uh... why'd youse request a conjugal visit. Not that i mind."

You explain your reasoning and he nods.

"Theys was upset youse was gone." He chuckles.

"Tell them I miss them." You sigh.

You continue talking for what feels like hours, even though it was only about 30 minutes. And, for only knowing him for a day or two, your conversations flowed like old friends. Yancy pauses for a minute, and looks down at his hands.

"I, uh... have been thinking a lot... and uh... parole is supposed to come around in February." He says, looking down at his hands, "so Ise decided to try it. Even if for a small time."

You place your hand on top of his, hoping for it to be comforting, he exhales a quick breath through his nose. "Youse is too kind to me." You two sit there for a small amount of time, before a loud knock on the door startles you.

"Five minutes, Love birds!" You recognize the voice of the prison guard you made cry. You still felt bad about that.

"Ise is sorry we don't have more time together." Yancy sighs.

"You don't control penitentiary visiting time, you don't have to be sorry." You smile. You sit in quiet again, it's peaceful.

"Yancy," you get ready to say something but are interrupted Mr. Murderslaughter enters.

"Do you think...?" He says, before looking at Mr. Murderslaughter, "Ah never mind."

You get up and move to his side of the table, and pull him into a hug. He slowly wraps his arms around you.

"I'll see you next month." You mumble into his shoulder.

"Yeah... see Youse then." He mumbles back.

"Maybe next time I'll bring some lunch!" You smile as you start to walk away.

"Sounds good! Bye."

"Goodbye Yancy." You say softly, before walking out.

You make it home, removing the disguise as you walk in the door. Mark is on the couch.

"How did it go?" He asks with a smile.

"It went Well. We're having lunch next time." You say softly.

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