Mark X Reader: Peaches

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A/n: I just thought this would be funny and cute. There's no real meaning to this story other than that, thank you for listening. Enjoy~!

I hear a door open, and raise my head, looking around. The room I was in had no door, so I'm assuming it's the front door. I trot to said door, and there I see Dad. I throw my front paws on his legs, and he bends down to pet my head. My tail's wag increases.

"Hey Chica!" He smiles. I lick his face in return.

Behind him is a person. I haven't named them yet, though I should, they're here quite often, and Dad seems to like them a lot.

"Hey girly!" The person smiles, sitting on their knees by my dad. I rub their face with my nose before giving a lick. They have a soft face, kinda feels like peaches.

That's what I'll call them! Peaches!

After a while of sitting on the ground, they get up and head to the kitchen. Peaches goes to the cabinet and grabs things down. Noodles, sauce, onions, garlic powder. They're making spaghetti! Dad always makes me a small "secret" plate of whatever they eat, and spaghetti is fun.

Dad brings down a big pan, and sets on the stove as well as some beef. As they continue cooking, I don't pay much attention, as Dad has let me in the backyard to run around.

Once food is ready, I'm called back inside.

Once they're both done eating, Peaches heads over to wash the dishes. Dad walks behind them, and wraps an arm around them. Peaches starts giggling and pushing Dad away.

I jump on Dad, pushing him away. Step off of Peaches, Dad!

"Alright Chica, you win." Dad says, smiling down at me. I let my tongue lull out of my mouth as my tail wags more. I have defeated him and saved Peaches!

Peaches leans down after drying off their hands and gives me lots of head scratching and pets.

Dad and Peaches cuddle up on the couch, and of course, I lay by Peaches feet, and she pets me as they watch something on TV. I drift off to sleep.

I love Peaches.

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