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A/n: I'm bored so here are random head cannons that I have. Enjoy~!

Trigger warnings: I probably mention a lot of bad shit, like abuse and alcohol and death, so be wary

Yancy's father was an alcoholic, and when he would drink he would be abusive, and Yancy murdered him, and his mom walked in, and in a panic he killed her as well, and he felt guilty for what he did to his mom so he turned himself in.

Illinois says "try not to fall in love with me" cuz the last partner he fell in love with died and he blames himself for it, and he doesn't wanna die and you blame yourself like he does.

Captain Magnum is super ready to call y/n his child because he lost his own child (to what I'm not sure) and he finally feels like the whole in his chest is beginning to fill again.

Bim Trimmer is a cannibal. That's just it.

Yanderiplier is non-binary. Also Wilford is such a dad to them.

Wilford Warfstache has nightmares. A lot. About the manor, about whatever was he fought in to make him a colonel. Also I believed he gained the slur in his transfer from William to Wilford from his extensive use (and abuse) of drugs and alcohol. He's also a femboy and can rock a sundress

Eric Derekson has tries to commit suicide at least twice, and his father was never the wiser. Also the piece of cloth he fidgets with is from his mom. (I mega relate to him cuz 𝕯𝖆𝖉𝖉𝖞 𝕴𝖘𝖘𝖚𝖊𝖘)

Derek Derekson can burn in hell.

Annus doesn't like spending time with the others cuz he doesn't want to get attached before his time is up, and then they have to let each other go like it never happened. He also didn't wanna get attached to Unus, but at least they wouldn't have to live without each other.

Jameson Jackson isn't actually mute(as in he can talk) but he's insecure about his voice, so he doesn't wanna talk in videos.

Robbie the Zombie can't talk in full sentences, because the virus thing that made him a zombie ate away at his brain, so he doesn't remember as much.

The Host doesn't like reading anymore.

Darkiplier sometimes talks to himself late at night, but he's actually just mumbling whatever Celine and Damien are talking about. That's also why he screams so much, cuz there's so much chaos in his mind and he can't take everything at once.

I feel like Wilford X Dark (or Darkstache) is a good ship because whenever Wilford has ptsd, Dark looks like Damien, and that comforts him. And both Celine and Damien love William- aka Wilford- and so Dark would too. Just makes sense to me.

Aight so this is more speculation then head cannons but who do y'all think is the one running Jack's channel while he was out? Cuz it was probably chase, but the thought of it being Anti is just *Chef's kiss*

Illinois is either Asexual or Aromantic

Momiplier one time met Dark, didn't realize it wasn't Mark, so Dark played a long, pretended he was Mark for like three hours. Dark may be a demon, but have you met Momiplier?

Damien is trans? It just sounds like a good plot for him

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