Mark X Ethan: Truth Of Unus Annus And Saying Goodbye (Not A Ship)

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A/n: NOT!!!! A!!!! SHIP!!!!! This is strictly platonic, I do not support Crankiplier and you should never ship real people. Enjoy~!

(Mentions of death and illnesses and similar stuff)

What was the truth behind Unus Annus? Most of the fans seem to think it's nothing but Mark and Ethan fucking around and doing it for fun. Other fans seem to think it's for more than just that. Who knows?

Mark knows. Amy knows. Evan knows. Ethan knows. So do a few others who aren't affiliated with Unus Annus, close friends and family members. People like his mom and brother, as well as Wade and Jack.

But the fans won't know until it happens. The fans won't know until November 15, or so is theorized. The time could be longer, but they know they have at least until November 15. Or else why pick such a random date?

Speaking of the reason behind Unus Annus it is an odd concept isn't it? Creating a channel, putting work into videos, editing, merchandise, etc. just to delete it all? All evidence, every video, screenshot, everything of it to be deleted. Why work so hard for a distant memory? Why work so hard to never leave a print of anything ever? All the people who got to see it will die or forget it, so what's the point?

Well, there's a much bigger reason than just to fuck around.

Mark is dying. Some disease far too rare to have any research on, not that they haven't tried, but it's not helpful. It is such a rare disease, they asked Mark if he had wanted any input on the name.

He has known since September 21st, 2019. He told Amy first, then Ethan. The same day he knew, they did too. He called his mom and brother a day later.

It took a month to muster up the courage to tell his other friends. It broke his heart to hear Seàn- a man so pump full of energy and loudness he could give power to all of London with just a yell- so quiet and sad. Mark had only seen Seàn cry twice before, and he could hear the thick tears in Seàn's voice as the conversation kept on with only a few more sentences.

Everyone else's reactions were predictable. Wade tried not to cry, Bob and Felix were masking with anger, Tyler seemed in denial.

Amy and Ethan had the same reaction, they both responded with determination to make Mark's last year the best one yet.

"What do you want to do?" Ethan asks, Amy standing next to him, they both had an unwavering bout of determination in their eyes.

"What?" Mark was confused.

"Write down everything you wanna do in like a note book or something and we'll do them all before you have to go."

Mark understood now that Ethan wanted him to make a bucket list.

"I'm not gonna waste you or Amy's time like this." Mark replies.

"Nothing for you is a waste of time." Amy replies.

"Amy-" Mark was abruptly cut off by Ethan.

"Either you write the bucket list or I take you on crazy adventures everyday for the rest of your life." Ethan demands.

"Fine." Mark sighs.

And with that simple list- Unus Annus was created. Mark's last year to do what he wanted and what he loved with two of the most important people in his life.


Two days left. November 13. Mark knows what he has to do.

Everyone came down to have one last fun time with him. It was filled with laughter and food and games- any game he wanted to play or any food he wanted to eat, it's what they did(with the exception of any peanut related food. Just because he is going to die doesn't mean Ethan should too.)

It is around eleven, quite a few people have gone to bed, only Seàn, Ethan, and Mark remain awake. Ethan was outside by the pool, feet in the water

The conversation between Seàn and Mark was about nothing, but they loved every second of it.

Seàn decided it was time for him to go to bed. He gave Mark a hug that seemed to last forever and as if it never happened.

"I love you, man." Seàn whispers, the thickness returning to his voice.

"I love you too." Mark replies, a smile gracing his face. "At least the septiplier shippers will leave you and Evelien alone."

It seemed to upset Seàn in a different way than Mark had expected it to. Seàn had become uncomfortable with the ship, but he gave a chuckle and a look that said he would miss the jokes they made of it.

Mark made another attempt, "And just think- you never have to deal with a business partner talking about you behind your back again! I just hope Poki doesn't replace me too well."

"No offense to Poki, I'd have you as my back-stabbing business partner over her any day." Seàn smiles, but it was full of pain.

"Goodnight, Seán." Mark sniffs.

"Goodnight Mark." Seàn sighs shakily, pulling away from the hug and walking away.

Mark had only one person left to say goodbye to, but he planned to go to bed himself, as he went to let Chica and Henry in, he spots Ethan sitting by the pool, sipping from a glass bottle of some kind. He lets out a sigh as he realizes he needs to say goodbye tonight. He could feel he didn't have as long as they thought he did.

"Hey." Mark says, sitting down next to Ethan, feet slipping in the water beside Ethan.

"Have a fun party?" Ethan asks with a smile.

"Yeah." Mark replies, a smile on his face, it's pained, but it's there dammit. "Listen I- um...."

Mark freezes, his throat feels tight and his chest hurts. He has said goodbye to Amy(Amy is the love of his life, of course it was hard to say goodbye to her) and his mom and his brother- he saved Ethan for last because he knew at one point(and maybe he still does) Ethan looked up to Mark, and Ethan was now his best friend. Fuck did it hurt. Ethan put so much time and effort into making this the best year, how the fuck was he supposed to say goodbye?

"Are you alright?" Ethan asks, tilting his head in concern.

"Yeah! Yeah I'm okay- I-I just-... uh..." Mark stutters again. He looks in the pool, leaning to put his elbow on his knees, not facing Ethan and his hands weaved together. He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes before opening them again and starts talking, "I... I wanted to thank you. For everything."

"Don't worry about it-" Ethan tries to brush it off, but Mark won't let him.

"No. Ethan, you spent an entire year- 365- who fucking knows how many hours trying to make my last year the best it could be. You stayed up editing, coming up with video ideas, you lost your relationship(just for this, not really) because you were so dedicated to this- to me." Mark says, serious as all hell, turning to Ethan halfway through.

Ethan is avoiding his eyes- he's dreaded the goodbye since the beginning. He knew it would come, but this year went by so fast and he wasn't ready for it.

"And I just want you to know that... that you're the best friend I could've ever asked for. And I love you, and I'm so sorry I have to say goodb-" Mark was cut off by Ethan wrapping his arms around Mark's neck.

"I love you too. And it's not your fault. I did all this because you're my best friend, and I'd do anything for you," Ethan pulls away, tears in his eyes and his voice watery, "and if that means spending a year doing stupid and fun shit- like cooking with sex toys or learning how to salsa o-or getting hit in the nuts with a watermelon-" Ethan continues, with a chuckle to his crying, "- o-or just looking at memes- I'd do it for another thousand years."

Mark was crying now too, he doesn't wanna say goodbye, he doesn't wanna leave- not now, and not ever.

"Goodbye Ethan." Mark sniffs.

"Goodbye Mark." Ethan whispers, turning back to the water, placing a hand on one of the dogs next to him.

Mark heads inside, dread filling his chest.

Ethan stays by the pool, waiting for the door to close behind Mark before he starts crying.

A/n: okay I made myself cry I hope I also made you cry.

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