Chase Brody X Reader: Rainy Days

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A/n: I was dumb and ran out in the rain cuz it hasn't rained in so long. I don't regret it at all. Anyway, Enjoy~!

(This is just pure cuteness, I promise no sadness)

Chase has noticed he hasn't seen his significant other since the storm outside started. It was pouring down hard, he could barely see through the window. He walks around the house, but can't find them anywhere.

He steps into the living room, and looks through the big glass window that faces into the front yard. That's when he notices a figure dancing in the rain. His eyes widen in realization as he moves towards the front door, and to the yard.

"Y/n!" He yells, the spin around to look at him. They're wearing pajama shorts and a bright pink shirt. Said pink shirt and their hair is matted down on them, "what are you doing?"

"Chase!" They smile, "Come join me!" They ignore his question completely. Chase holds out his hand from under the dry space, letting the rain drench his hand. Before he shrugs, throwing his hat to the side with his dry hand, and running after Y/n in the rain.

They giggle as Chase hugs them. Though there is no music, they both spin and jump around like there is.

After about twenty minutes, Chase notices Y/n is shivering, and makes them come inside.

"You're gonna catch a cold." Chase mumbles, giving them a towel as they remove their soaking clothes.

"Bold of you to assume I can catch anything. I never played sports." They smile stupidly, Chase laughs at their statement.

After they're both showered up and changed, they sit on the couch, cuddled together.

"I love you Chase." Y/n yawns softly, head on his shoulder.

"I love you too Y/n." Chase mumbles, kissing their forehead.

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