Meeting The Egos

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A/n: I thought this would be funny. Enjoy~!

This is two stories

Mark X Reader

You enter you and Mark's shared house, setting your keys and bag down by the door. You go to the kitchen, and see Mark, he wasn't facing you, and didn't notice your presence as he talked to someone in front of him. You wrap your arms around him, and kiss the back of his neck.

"Darling, this is- you're not Wil." He says, his voice is strange, somehow deeper and raspy.

"No. I'm not. What's with your voice? And why are you wearing eye liner- oh is the Darkiplier thing?" You ask. He rubs the back of his neck, before someone comes in from behind you.

"Alright Dark, are you ready to- Y/n! I thought you were going to have lunch with Blu." Mark says nervously.

"Her friend was in trouble, she had to leave early, why is there two of you?" You ask.

"Y/n, this is my alter ego, Darkiplier. Wilford will be stopping by soon." Mark explains.

"They're... real people. How did.. how did that happen, how is this possible, how are... how?" You ask.

"Whenever I create a new one they just kind of pop into existence. We find them at the manor, usually."

"O... okay. Okay." You mumble, "I'm sorry I kissed the back of your neck, I thought you were Mark."

"It's alright, I'm sorry I thought you were Wil." Dark replies.

"I'm gonna." You pause, as the door opens to reveal Wilford and Bim Trimmer.

"Oh, you must be Y/n. It's nice to meet you, I'm Wilford Warfstache!" He introduces, putting his hand out for you to shake.

"Nice to meet you." You mumble. Your facial expression is blank.

"I'm Bim Trimmer." Bim introduces, leaning down to kiss the back of your hand, "Y/n is a lovely name for a lovely lady."

"Thank you, Bim." You mumble. "As much fun as this has been, I... I think I need to lie down. It was lovely meeting you all." You say, walking towards your bedroom.

"I think I should go check on her." Mark mumbles, stepping away from his egos and towards the bedroom. "Y/n? Sweetheart are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm just having trouble.... fathoming that They're all real people. That's so many people. They all look exactly like you. What happens when Dark doesn't wear his suit?" You ask.

"He still has eyeliner. And he has gray skin." Mark explains.

"You can go do stuff now. I'm just gonna lie down and keep trying to fathom all of this." You lie down on your back again, staring at the ceiling.

"Alright then. I'm gonna come check on you later, though. I love you." Mark says.

"I love you too, Mark. I'm still sorry I kissed Dark on the neck."

"It's fine, you didn't know it wasn't me."

Jack X Reader

Jack has set up a night for you to meet people who are very important to him. He didn't says specifically how or who they are, but you were excited nonetheless. 

When they arrive, you are very confused.

"These... these are your egos. Did you somehow just bring people into existence?" You ask, and Jack nods. "Oh that's dope as shit."

Jack chuckles, his anxieties slipping away as you are in awe.

"So, you are Chase, you are Jameson, Dr. Schneeplestein, Marvin, Jackiboy-Man, Robbie, and Anti. What about Shawn Flynn?" You ask, each person greets you as you say their name.

"I haven't been able to find him yet." Jack admits.

"This is fucking nuts. So I'm assuming since he's standing here, Anti's not actually evil?" You mumble.

"In the story, yes. I'm real life, he's more like a teddy bear with a knife." Marvin smirks over at Anti, who does indeed threaten him with a knife.

"Are you actually mute? Or was that just for the old-time-y aesthetic?" You ask JJ.

"I was mute. But Marvin put a spell in my tea that returned my ability to speak." His voice has a british accent, and is nice to listen to.

"This is fucking awesome." You mumble.

The night continues as you get to know the egos. Marvin as a very large flirt and sarcastic, but is still very kind and sweet. JJ is exactly what you think he'd be, kind, old school. Anti is like Jack, but violent and sometimes bitchy. Jackiboy is surprisingly stoic, but sweet. Chase keeps calling you dude and bro, which you didn't mind, but he was also nice. Robbie was quiet, and couldn't speak in full sentences, but he loved to listen to you speak. Henrik was very much like Jackiboy, but louder.

It was an interesting night, to say the least.

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