Friday Nights

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A/n: I wanted fluff cuz I'm anxious. Enjoy~!

"Uncle Marvin!" Two little kids yell, one around the age of ten and the other eight.

"Maddie! Zack! How was your last week of school before Christmas break?" The magician asks, taking something that smelled deliciously sweet out of the oven.

"We had Christmas parties! I got this dinosaur from Gracie!" Maddie says, holding up a dinosaur plushy.

"And I got the puppy plush from Danny!" Zack says.

"Woah, there's are really cool!" Marvin smiles, before turning to look at the kids mother, "Chase is shopping with Seàn. He'll be here in ten minutes. I've got them until then." The woman nods.

"See you guys at New Years." The woman says, leaning down to hug her kids.

"Bye mommy!" They say in unison, before racing to the living room, probably to play games.

"Merry Christmas Stacy." Marvin says. He didn't like her that much, but he does love Zack and Maddie so he'll play nice.

"Merry Christmas Marvin." She smiles, before leaving.

"Cheating whore." Anti enters from the stairway.

"Oh don't slut shame. Cheat shame all you want, but slut shamming is none of your business especially, Anti." Marvin teases.

"Tch. So what I used to sleep around? I've never cheated on Dark since we've been together." Anti mumbles.

"Oh cheat shame all you want. But don't use whore." Marvin replies.

"I think 'bitch' would be the right choice of words." Jackie mumbles, picking up a cookie from the cooling rack, burning his hand in the process.

"See? Cheating bitch works just as good."

"Why don't you want to use whore?" Anti asks.

"Cuz, Anti, you're a whore. And I don't want you to ever be compared to her." Marvin scowls.

"Stop talking about zhis, her kids are in zhe next room. What if zhey hear?" Henrik steps in.

"Heey! Look what the cat dragged in. What happened to you last night huh?" Marvin asks.

"I'm a doctor. Vhat do you zhink happened to me?" Henrik says back, raising an eyebrow.

"I heard... something different." Marvin tease. Jackie and Anti both let out an ooohhh as they look between the two men.

"Shut zhe fuck up." Henrik blushes.

Robbie enters. "Cookies!" He smiles. JJ is behind him, as well as Maddie and Zack.

"Uncle Jackie! JJ won't tell us what he's saying!" Zack whines.

"Well maybe you don't need to know." Jackie replies, looking up at JJ for answers

JJ signs, "They just don't know what I'm saying! I've been trying to tell them for twenty minutes! I was telling them that I liked their new friends!"

"You guys don't know the word friends in sign language? I thought we would've taught you by now." Marvin teases.

"He was saying friends? I know friends!" Maddie responds, signing friends.

The group continues bickering.

Marvin and Anti teasing Henrik about his night, Jackie, JJ, Robbie, and the kids having fun, and talking about what movie they should watch.

The front door opens to reveal Chase and Seàn. Carrying many bags.

"My babies!" Chase yells, setting down the bags and opening his arms as his kids run into them.

"Daddy!" They yell back.

"Oh, how are my beautiful babies?" Chase asks.

The kids talk as Jackie and JJ help Seàn carry bags upstairs to be wrapped later after the kids are asleep, as well as put away groceries.

The kids get showered up and put in pajamas. The adults also get put in pajamas, but they are far less cute than the ones the kids got, mostly sweat pants and old bleach stained shirts.

"Alright what movie have we decided on?" Seàn asks.

The kids reply some PG rated film. The adults didn't mind, they all liked kids' movies.

Henrik and Jackie end up cuddled together and asleep halfway through the film.

Marvin and Anti end up mocking it the entire time, but quietly.

Chase and Seàn talk about the beautiful animation and scenes.

Robbie and JJ just end up enjoying the film.

It's nine by the end of, the kids have fallen asleep, Chase takes them to bed. Marvin uses his magic to make Jackie and Henrik float to bed.

Anti leaves to go hang out with Dark, Robbie and JJ he'll Seàn and Marvin clean up.

"Fridays are always so fun." Seàn smiles.

The others agree.

"I do hate that I somehow always find popcorn in my hair though." Marvin sighs.

Robbie giggles slightly.

"Robbie do you keep doing this?" Marvin asks.

"No." Robbie responds, and he wasn't lying. But he had seen the kids put a piece of popcorn in his hair when he was distracted.

"Sure..." Marvin says suspiciously.

"It's not." Seàn defends.

Friday nights were the greatest for the group.

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