43 - Last Goodbye

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"Have you boys got everything-"

"Yes, Mum," Albus snapped as he rolled his eyes in complete disdain.

The train gave a loud, piercing whistle; steam billowing around us.

"Thank you for having us, Etta," Scorpius beamed, throwing his arms around me.

Startled, I found myself momentarily speechless before I wrapped my own arms around him, squeezing him tight.

"You're welcome, Scorp," I said, feeling my heart glow with an unexpected flood of affection. "You can come and stay anytime you like."

I could sense Draco bristle behind me. No doubt this wasn't in his grand plan of 'releasing' me. I briefly wondered where Albus fitted into all of this. I guessed Draco had decided to let go of forming any kind of future fatherly bond with him.

"Come on," Albus muttered moodily just as Scorpius turned to say goodbye to his father. They exchanged a stiff, awkward hug.

"Well, bye then, Al!" I called as my moody son stormed off towards the train, fed up with being kept waiting. Clearly, he'd forgotten his best friend's words of wisdom about not taking mothers for granted.

My arms felt oddly empty as I watched Scorpius hurry off after him. A bitter lump formed in my throat, saddened that my own son did not want to even hug me goodbye.

"Well, I guess this is it, then," Draco said gruffly after we'd silently watched the train trundle out of view, his eyes not meeting mine.

"Yup, I guess so," I answered, my voice sounding a lot more coolly than I felt.

And, out of fucking nowhere, a horrific ache materialised in my chest and a hot stinging sensation threatened behind my eyes.

"So... are you straight off to work, then?" Draco asked, sounding stiff and awkward.

"Yes, I've got a lot to catch up on after the Christmas break." I found it hard to breathe. I certainly found it difficult to meet his eyes, in fear that mine would start flowing.

But then - almost as though an invisible force was at play - our eyes connected, making my heart pound uncomfortably in my chest.

"It was alright, you know, Potter." Draco murmured, his lips twitching at the corners, "I wasn't expecting much, but..."

"I'll take that as a compliment, coming from you." I tried to smile, but the pain hurt too much.

"You should." His own smile not quite reaching his eyes.

"Well," I said, finding it difficult to swallow, "I'll be seeing you, then."

Draco nodded as his throat gave a prominent bob. "Take care, Potter."

My heart felt as though it was about to break into a million pieces. It hurt so much, but I couldn't seem to stop what was happening.

Too much hurt and heartache had passed between us over the years.

It was never meant to be.

"Goodbye, Draco." I whispered.

And then, I Disapparated.


"Hermione wants to know if you're coming over for your tea tonight?" Ron asked, popping his head round my office door. "She promises it won't be a salad."

I couldn't even be bothered to look up from my paperwork, such was my mood, let alone accept his dinner invitation.

"Nah, I'm alright," I muttered dully. The idea of having to make conversation depressed me. "I just want to go home, open a bottle of wine and listen to wrist slitting music."

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now