55 - Get Used To It

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The horrified shout of my son woke me up. Confused, I looked around trying to work out what was going on as my heart raced terrifyingly in my chest.

I was on the bed with Draco, curled up in his arms clad only in my underwear.

Albus's thunderous face was glaring at us from the open bedroom doorway. Hermione's horrified one peering from behind his shoulder.

Holy fucking shit.

Draco, who had obviously dozed off too, gave a sharp intake of breath as his arms tightened protectively around me.

I had no idea of the time, or how long we'd been asleep.

"I'm so sorry!" Hermione gasped, "but Albus insisted on coming home to see you after he discovered you had been hurt. I tried to phone, but I couldn't get through!"

Shit, I had left my phone off after my solo adventure to Nott's house.

"She looks absolutely fucking fine to me!" Albus cried angrily, screwing his face up in disgust. "So this is your work thing is it, mother? Didn't I tell you you were a whore?!"

Draco shot up, letting me go to glare furiously up at our son.

"DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK TO YOUR MOTHER LIKE THAT!" he roared, a furious pink tinge rising in his cheeks, "you already know how your mum and I feel about one another. She had been seriously hurt and I was just looking after her, because I love her and that's what people who love each other do."

I closed my eyes wishing the ground would just open the fuck up and swallow me whole.

"LOOKING AFTER HER?!" Albus spluttered incredulously. "And why the fuck does that involve taking her clothes off?!"

Hermione was now trying to pull Albus back, tugging at his arm and desperately trying to close the door between us.

"Come on, Al, lets go and wait downstairs, please!" she implored, throwing me panicked furtive glances.

"Fine!" Albus spat, glaring at me in utter hatred, "I can't bear to look at that slag any longer, anyway!"

Draco made a low growling noise, and I placed a hand on his arm, warning him not to react as Albus disappeared, slamming the door behind him.

"I won't have him talk to you like that, Etta!" He seethed angrily, his chest rising and falling heavily beneath his crumpled shirt.

"He just caught us lying on my bed together in the middle of the afternoon!" I cried, feeling complete and utter shame at the horror of the situation.

"He isn't some husband catching his wife in bed with another man!" Draco spluttered furiously, "He's your son and all he witnessed was his mother lying in bed next to his father! I'm not going to let him guilt trip us for being in love, Etta!"

I hurriedly threw on some fresh clothes, anxiety swirling in the pit of my stomach. Sensing my cold dread, Draco pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly against him.

"I'm sick of sneaking around, Etta," he murmured, nuzzling his face in my hair. "I just want us to be together. We've lost so much time and I can't face losing any more."

"What about Scorp?" I whispered. I felt Draco still. Because it always came back to Scorpius - it always came back to the fact that our love for one another hadn't always been so innocent.


Hermione and Albus were both sat at the table when we entered the kitchen, Draco defiantly entwining his fingers around mine.

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now