34 - Second Prize

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I took a quick trip to the bathroom, anxiously looking at my neck in the mirror. I was relieved to see that it was only slightly red, barely visible, in fact.

Satisfied that I would not need to cover up with a scarf, I went back down to the sitting room to join the others, feeling oddly disappointed when it transpired that the boys had taken up a sofa each.

I sat down on the sofa next to Scorpius, exchanging quick, guilty, furtive glances with Draco who was sat with Albus on the other sofa.

The atmosphere felt suddenly very strained, and I didn't know what to say. Albus and Scorpius were completely oblivious to any tension, it seemed, their eyes fixed gormlessly on the television in the corner.

"So, what are we watching?" I asked, deciding to focus my attention on the television instead.

"Titanic." Scorpius answered.

"Oh. Not very Christmassy, is it?" I said wrinkling my nose. "Everyone drowning at sea."

Scorpius just shrugged. "Nothing else on," he muttered.

We all sat in silence and watched as the boat sank into the sea killing a whole hoard of men, women and children.

My god, this was depressing shit. Not even Kate Winslet's tits could liven the mood.

Although I couldn't help but notice a sudden unusual interest being taken in my Gryffindor cushions.

"So, you say this is stuffed with real feathers?" Scorpius asked, hastily placing the cushion on his lap as Leonardo DiCaprio sharpened his pencil.

"Hippogriff," I smirked, noticing Albus and Draco doing exactly the same.

And don't get me started on the end.

"But- but there's plenty of room on that flipping door!" I cried incredulously as Kate Winslet greedily spread herself out, allowing Leonardo DiCaprio to freeze to fucking death in the sea. The bitch.

"He's being chivalrous, Potter," Draco drawled, rolling his eyes derisively as though he considered me to be some kind of dimwit.

"What's the point of being chivalrous if it goes and gets you killed?" I sniped, feeling irritated that I just wasted hours watching this shit only for one of them to go and fucking die.

"Well, you would know." Draco shrugged, the underlying message in his bitter tone not lost on me.

"Oh, would you just let it go, already?" I scoffed as we glared at one another, our after-dinner desserts in the kitchen quickly forgotten about.

"Shhh, I can't hear what the old lady is saying," Albus complained.

God, he really was his father's son. My home had literally been taken over by Draco and his mini-me's.

"So, what does everyone want to do now?" I asked as the credits finally rolled.

I looked around at my companions. The boys appeared utterly fed up and Draco looked stiff and uncomfortable, refusing to look me in the eye.

There was only one thing that would liven this mood up.

"Oh, Mum, not Monopoly!" Albus groaned as I blew the dust off the top of the lid.

"It'll be fun!" I trilled, turning the television off and throwing the box on the coffee table, making Draco flinch.

"And what on earth is Monopoly?" He drawled, eyeing the offending item before him with disdain.

"It's a game, Draco, a fun game for the whole family to play." I beamed at him and I saw something flicker in his eyes at my words.

A little while later on, I had a hotel thrown at my head.

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now