74 - Homecoming

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"Well, Aunt Hermione says Delphi's now locked up in Azkaban," Albus said, throwing himself heavily down on the other end of the sofa to where I was sat with my back nestled against Draco's chest.

Having lifted my feet to allow space for Albus to sit down, I plonked them back down on his lap. I was expecting yells of protest and disgust about my smelly socks, but instead, my son allowed his hand to rest lightly on top of my ankle.

"Good," Draco spat, encircling his arms tightly around me. "Hopefully, she'll rot in there."

"Yeah, well I thought there was something off about her from the start," Scorpius muttered, sitting on the floor in front of us, leaning his back against the sofa by Albus's legs. "Unlike some."

Albus smacked the top of his brother's head. "Stop being so jealous! Just because you've been getting nowhere with Rose."

"Ow!" Scorpius complained as he rubbed his head. "Dude, the girl didn't really want to kiss you – she was just using you!"

"Let's not talk about her anymore, please," I begged quietly, "I just want to enjoy being back in the twenty-first century with all of us together again."

Much to my relief, Minerva had allowed Albus and Scorpius to come home for a few days, despite it being mid-term. After everything we'd been through, being together as a family was what we needed more than anything right now.

"Sorry, Etta," Scorpius mumbled, "but yeah, it's good to be back. And thank you for giving me my own room. As much as I love Al, he doesn't half stink."

"Scorp, you don't have to thank me," I said, smiling at him, "this is your home too now. Of course you get your own room. I just hope you don't find the space too small after the Manor."

"Nah, it's cosy, I like it. Besides, Dad didn't much like living at the Manor. Here, he seems happy and relaxed."

Draco coughed, and fidgeted slightly. "The war destroyed what it was for me. I cannot walk the hallways without remembering..."

He fidgeted again, clearly uncomfortable talking about it. I threw him a sympathetic look as I gently squeezed his arm.

"It's okay, Dad," Scorpius said quietly. "I get it, I do. But it's just a building at the end of the day. Home is wherever you guys are, and that's what matters to me."

"Pass the bucket," Albus muttered dryly under his breath. "It's like living with the bloody Waltons."

I kicked him with my foot, scowling at him. Trust my son to ruin a beautiful moment.

He poked out his tongue at me, I poked mine harder. And then suddenly our faces simultaneously split into huge grins.

"You know, I got to watch them," Albus said, his voice suddenly solemn and quiet, "for a bit - your mum and dad."

"Al," I breathed as his face filled with a look of such wonderment and sadness. I could feel my heart racing wildly as I waited in anticipation for what he was about to say.

"They were - you had fun together." He continued. "Your dad used to love to do this smoke ring thing with you where you... well, you couldn't stop giggling."

"Yes?" I encouraged, smiling, feeling the sting of emotion behind my eyes.

"I think you'd have liked them. And I think I would have liked them too," he added in a small, quiet voice.

"Oh, Al," I breathed, reaching out towards him, and giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "And I'm sure they would have been so proud to call you their grandson."

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now