62 - The Weirdness of Ronald Weasley

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I sat with my head in my hands wondering how it had got to this.

Albus had run away, and he had taken Scorpius with him. I couldn't help but feel that it was all my fucking fault.

"Have we searched thoroughly beside the tracks?" Draco asked Hermione furiously, as he paced up and down the meeting room floor, the panic in his voice evident.

It was the following day and neither Draco nor I had got any sleep. We had Apparated straight to the Ministry upon receiving Minerva's owl, and had not left since.

"Yes, we have searched once and are searching again." Hermione assured him, "We've got our best Aurors out looking for them, Draco."

And who, exactly, did she think I was? The fucking cleaner?!

"And the Trolley Witch is not able to tell us anything useful?" Draco pressed, driving his hands agitatedly through his hair.

"The Trolley Witch is furious." Hermione tutted, shaking her head. "She keeps talking about letting down Ottaline Gambol. She prides herself on her Hogwarts delivery record."

I blinked. What the fuck was she going on about?!

"Have there been any instances of magic reported by the Muggles?" I asked, trying my hardest to wear my Auror hat.

"None so far." Hermione answered. "I have made the Muggle Prime Minister aware, and he is filing what is known as a misper. Sounds like a spell. It isn't."

"So now we're relying on Muggles to find our children?" Draco spat, looking utterly incredulous. "Have we told them about Etta's scar too?"

"We're merely asking the Muggles to help." Hermione said calmly. "And who knows how Etta's scar might be involved but it's certainly a matter we're taking seriously. Our Aurors are currently investigating anyone involved in Dark Magic and-"

"This is not Death Eater-related." Draco sniped.

"I'm not sure I share your confidence..." Hermione replied, glancing around guiltily as she tailed off.

"I'm not confident," Draco insisted. "I'm right."

"I agree with Draco," I spoke up. "I- I'm fairly sure this wasn't a kidnapping. Not with the both of them gone."

"Have they any reason to run away?" Hermione asked, giving me a hesitant look.

"Not Scorpius!" Draco spat, "Despite the shit he's gone through, he's a well-grounded boy. He wouldn't do this without persuasion!"

I closed my eyes feeling utterly ashamed. It was clear what Draco was implying.

"Etta?" Hermione asked, looking at me, "anything we should know about Albus?"

Tears spilled from my eyes as I remembered the harsh words I had spat at my son.

"We- we had an argument the day before last," I sobbed, furiously wiping my face, "he got so angry with me, and I- I lost my temper and told him..."

A heavy silence ensued as my voice trailed away.

Draco didn't move. I could feel his eyes boring into me, waiting to hear what awful thing I could have said to my own son to make him want to run away - to take his son with him.

"What did you say to him, Etta?" Hermione gently coaxed.

I took a deep, shaky breath, not being able to look anywhere near Draco's direction. "I- I told him that were times I wished he weren't my son."

The room fell into a profoundly powerful silence. I slowly lifted my head and allowed my eyes to finally meet Draco's. His face was one of shock and disappointment- as though he couldn't believe I could do such a thing.

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