25 - The Gifts

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I looked up at the place that had been my first real home: Hogwarts.

It gave me a tiny thrill to be back there, to smell the fresh pine air, to walk amongst the grounds that held so many precious memories for me. Good and bad.

Taking a deep breath, I headed towards the entrance. Students were scattered around, enjoying the spring sunshine. It was the Easter holidays, and it did not surprise me to see that many students had stayed on to study. Including my own son.

I got many stares, of course, and I heard the unmistakable whispers of 'Potter' as I walked amongst them. I expect their parents had told them all about how I had heroically saved the world as a mere child, perhaps even learned about me in History of Magic (finally a subject worth staying awake for, surely?).

Ignoring them, I hurried up the steps, through the large oak doors and found myself in the impressive Entrance Hall. It was like stepping back in time. I closed my eyes as painful memories hit me. The last time I stood there, I had seen so much death, so much destruction. I had marched across this very floor towards my death, Draco begging me to stay with him. I had died, and I had killed. I had done what I was destined to do.

And ever since then, life had been nothing but one giant pile of crap.

But not anymore. With new resolve, I stood tall, clutching my bag to my side, and marched up to Minerva's office; the one I used to call Dumbledore's.


"He shall be allowed to return to Slytherin when the term starts back after Easter," Minerva explained rather stoutly. "But I warn you, all this dithering about will not help with this situation."

"With all due respect, Minerva," I said with a crackle of irritation, "I didn't want him removed from Slytherin in the first place."

"Well, it seems that both you and Draco are extremely keen to reunite your sons," Minerva bristled, a slight disapproval to her tone.

"What do you mean? What has Draco said?" I asked, startled at the mention of his name.

"Mr Malfoy has sent me many incensed owls letting me know of his displeasure at my decision to separate your children, Henrietta. But as I kept on telling him, the decision is down to the parents, and as he is not Albus's father, then he has no say."

I didn't know if it was my imagination but I swear I saw something flash in her eyes.

"It may not be my place to say," she added, removing her glasses to tiredly pinch the bridge of her nose, "but it seems that Draco thinks very highly of you, indeed. The lengths he has gone to protect your reputation within the school have been quite admirable to say the least."

I swallowed, guilt swirling in the pit of my stomach as I recalled the look of shock on his face after I'd slapped him.

But then I remembered how he'd called my son a damaged individual only moments after shoving his cock in me and wished I had hit him harder.

"But anyway," Minerva said breezily, clearly noting my discomfort upon the subject, "that is neither here nor there anymore - it is all worked out now. We hope." she added, eyeing me warily.

"And that is why I'm here, Minerva," I said, sitting up a little straighter so that I could look down at her. "To spend quality time with my son and hopefully get to the bottom of his... issues."

"And I agree, it will do him good. All children need their mothers," Minerva froze, her hand suddenly flying to her mouth upon realising her faux pas, "forgive me, Miss Potter, that was thoughtless of me."

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now