18 - Angry-Etta

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"Hermione wants to know if you and Tony are going to join us for dinner tonight?"

I looked up from where I was bent over on the floor on my hands and knees, to see that Ron had poked his head through my door. He stared at me as though confused as to why I wasn't sat sulking behind my desk buried beneath the usual pile of crap.

"What's all this?"

I had pushed all the furniture in my office to the edges and laid out a huge world map across the floor. It was covered in scribbles, lines, and other various indistinguishable markings.

"Something's going on, Ron, I just know it." I said distractedly as I marked another line across the length of Russia. "The giants are on the move."

"You think this has something to do with You-Know-Who?" He asked, fear making his voice wobble slightly.

"Voldemort, Ron!" I scolded, "You're an Auror now so quit being a bloody wuss and use the correct name!"


"Do you want me to cut you from the team? Because I will, Ronald, you just watch me. I've no room for cry babies."

"Okay then, Voldemort." Ron said sulkily, coming into the office now, standing behind me as he scrutinised my work. "You think it's something to do with him?"

"I don't think, I know."

"Don't you think you might be overreacting?"

For fuck's sake, it was like Hogwarts all over again. How many fucking times did I say that Draco was a Death Eater?!

I dropped my quill and shot him a nasty look. "I'm not going to rule anything out, Ron. I'm head Auror. It's my job to overreact! Now piss off if you're not going to input anything helpful."

Ron backed slowly away. "Okay, okay, just wanted to know if you're going to make it to dinner."

"Yes fine, just so long as it's not a fucking salad again. Last time I looked I wasn't a fucking rabbit!"

"I'll let Hermione know," he muttered, and I heard his footsteps hurry away.

Merlin, I just couldn't get the bloody staff these days.

I went back to furiously marking my map, the adrenalin coursing through my veins at the thought of something exciting finally happening.

"Nice arse, Potter."

"Fuck off, Malfoy."

A soft chuckle came from behind as the door clicked shut. Striding into the office, Draco made himself at home as he helped himself to a chair, watching me avidly; grey eyes twinkling in amusement.

"My, my, Potter. I can't remember the last time I saw you down in front of me on your hands and knees."

I looked up, shooting him a glare. "Are you here for any particular reason other than to piss me off? Because I'm working in case it has failed to escape your notice."

"Do you speak like this in front of our child? Because it might explain a lot if you do."

I scowled at him, feeling my blood start to boil. "Let me go back to what I said when you first walked uninvited into my office. Fuck. Off."

"Sorry, Potter," Draco drawled, not looking in the least bit perturbed by my hostility. "But I'm here on important business. Hogwarts business. It's regarding Scorp and Albus."

Finally getting my attention, I froze. "What's happened? Are they okay?"

"Did you not receive an owl from Minerva this morning?"

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now