21 - The Trouble With Tripp

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It had been the worst Christmas of my life. And that's including all the Christmases I had spent being neglected and abused at Privet Drive.

"You know, Gryffindor common room has an amazingly cosy fireplace," I feebly offered my son as we stepped onto platform nine and three quarters.

The fierce glare he gave me told me exactly what he thought of that.

"So does Slytherin." He said between gritted teeth.

"Listen, Al," Tony said in a jovial voice, making Albus visibly wince, "your mum is trying here. She - we - only want what's best for you."

Tony had stayed with us over the holidays and Albus had not disguised his hatred towards the both of us. He had spent the whole of it in his bedroom, refusing to even join us for Christmas dinner. The presents I had lovingly bought and wrapped for him were still unopened in the sitting room, laying abandoned on the floor where the tree had been.

It broke my fucking heart.

Albus dragged his luggage towards the scarlet train, refusing to let either of us help him lift his trunk as he lolloped on. He never came back out to say goodbye.

Tears filled my eyes as the train started to leave the station and, as the billowing steam began to disperse, a pair of silver-grey eyes met mine from across the platform.

The disappointment visible on Draco Malfoy's face hurt me just as much as my son's had done.



The rest was drowned out by Draco crashing open my door.

"It's okay, Carol!" I called, but whether she heard me or not, I never knew, as Draco slammed the door shut immediately behind him.

"Hurt me as much as you like," he seethed, looking furiously at me as he strode towards my desk, "but to hurt my son - our sons - is something I cannot condone, Potter!"

I shifted uncomfortably under his thunderous gaze. "If you're referring to Albus's move to Gryffindor-"

"FUCK GRYFFINDOR!" He spat, slamming his fists down heavily on my desk, leaning his face close to mine, his eyes bulging angrily, "I thought you were better than this."


"Scorpius is in pieces! And I am here as his father to ask why you would keep apart two good friends?"

"I have to do what's best for Albus."

"By keeping him away from Scorpius? Is this that scumbag's doing?"

"That's not what this is about."

"Are you sure about that?" He snarled, his grey eyes piercing icily into mine.

I looked down, not being able to cope with the intensity of his glare. "Minerva advised it. She doesn't think they are good for one another."

Draco scoffed loudly. "You have no idea, do you? Of course you don't. You had them."

"What are you talking about?" I furrowed my brow in confusion as he pulled up a chair and heavily sat down upon it.

"I envied you them, you know - Weasley and Granger. I had-"

"Crabbe and Goyle." I finished for him, my lips tugging helplessly up at the corners as I recalled how they had constantly flanked him wherever he went.

"Yeah, those two useless idiots who couldn't tell one end of a broomstick from another. You three... you three had fun, you had each other's backs, you were close. I didn't have that at Hogwarts, Etta. I was... lonely. And look what loneliness did to me." He paused to roll up his shirt sleeve, revealing the bare skin of his left forearm. The Dark Mark, although faded, was still faintly visible. "Look what it did to Tom Riddle..."

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now