22 - Draco Demented

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"Etta, I think you need to stop reading that now," Ron implored as I slammed my fist down on the offending article laid out on the desk in front of me. "It's just upsetting you."

Damn right I was upset! Ignoring him, I continued to read.

According to Tripp, Potter turned up hungover to an important meeting with her son's headteacher about his 'concerning behaviour', offering only broken biscuits to the woman who had taken her under her wing during Potter's years at Hogwarts - a woman who had once even purchased a brand new top of the range broomstick for the young wealthy orphan, despite living off a pitiful teacher's salary. "This is Potter all over," Tripp added, "a selfish has-been who is ungrateful to anyone who tries to help her."

"This is all complete bullshit!" I bellowed. "That bastard arranged that meeting without my knowledge and then gave me just twenty fucking minutes notice! How could he do this to me?"

I was incensed. No - I was absolutely fucking livid.

And then a horrifying realisation dawned on me.

"Ron!" I choked, "what if- what if Albus reads this? Oh my god, Ron what am I going to do?"

This was the worst thing that had ever happened to me. Ever.

Ron looked extremely uneasy as he slowly tried to prise the newspaper out from under my nose, but I slammed my hand down, pinning it violently to the desk.

"This is evidence, Ron," I snarled, making him cower back in his chair.

"Er, Etta, you know there are hundreds more copies of these - thousands, in fact,"

"I'm going to kill him," I roared, jumping to my feet. "I'm going to fucking kill him!"

"Etta! Wait! You need to calm down!" Ron called, but I was not listening.

I had a man to kill.


"I'm sorry, but I cannot allow you to go through."

"DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" I screamed in the receptionist's face, "I'M HENRIETTA POTTER!"

The receptionist, a small balding man, simply smirked. "Oh, I think the whole wizarding world knows who you are today." And I noticed his eyes flick down to the newspaper in front of him.

Oh, for fuck's sake.

"Well then call him out here," I seethed, "tell that fucking coward to get out here and face me right now!"

"Sorry - no can do," he shrugged, "and I'm under strict orders not to let anyone unauthorised through."

"I'm head Auror, you prick! I'm best friends with the Minister for Magic! I saved your stupid fat arse from the world's worst wizard! You don't get much more authorised than that!"

"Look, if you want me to call security, I will."

Before I could give this pompous dick a good telling off, the sound of thundering footsteps and yells of indignation cut me short.

I span around to see what the commotion was, only to discover a livid looking Draco striding across the floor towards me.

Except it wasn't me his eyes were trained on - they were aimed fiercely upon the very door I was trying to get through myself. The door to the Department of Magical Transportation.

"Sir!" The idiot of a receptionist called as Draco stormed past me and straight to the door. "YOU CANNOT GO THROUGH-"

But Draco being Draco, didn't pay any attention and simply barged on through as though he owned the place.

Well, if only I had thought of that.

I stole a quick glance at the incredulous looking receptionist, shrugged my shoulders, and then followed Draco.

Tony had his back to the room, standing at the photocopier and whistling away without a care in the world. People at their desks looked up in shock as Draco flew past them, heading straight for oblivious Tony's back.


Only then, at Draco's bellow, did Tony turn around. But he had no time to react as Draco had closed the space between them and had flung a hard, swift punch right smack into his left cheek, sending him sprawling across the top of the photocopier.


Before Tony could right himself, Draco roughly pulled him up by the lapels, and then slammed him with such force against the wall, fiercely pushing his sneering face right up in Tony's terrified one.

"You were never good enough for her you piece of shit," Draco hissed menacingly, practically spitting, "you're not even fit enough to kiss the ground that she walks on. If I catch you even looking in her direction again, I will kill you, Tripp, I will fucking hunt you down and kill you with my bare hands. Do you understand me?"

Tony just looked back at him, quivering in fear. Draco roughly shook him, making him yelp.


The whole office had gone quiet now, everybody eagerly waiting to hear Tony's response.

"Y-y-yes..." he whimpered pathetically.

"Good, now you better stay away from Potter and her boy or I might be paying you another visit, and next time I will make sure there are no witnesses."

Draco stepped back, releasing Tony from his clutches. He wheeled round and strode back in the direction he had come, barely glancing at me as he swept past.

I took one quick glance back at Tony, who had slipped down the wall to the floor and was morosely nursing the side of his face. No one seemed to be attempting to help him.

And I certainly wasn't going to.

I walked out, wanting to get to Draco. He had already stormed past the receptionist (who had by now given up trying to care and was hidden behind the newspaper with mine and Tony's faces on the front) and had nearly reached the end of the hallway where the door to the stairwell was.

"Draco! Wait!" I called, but he either could not hear or had chosen to ignore me, and continued to disappear through the door.

Sighing heavily, I ran after him, which was unfortunately not the easiest thing to do in office attire. Damn high heels and pencil skirts. So, by the time I had reached the stairwell, he had already gone, and I had no way of knowing where.

Realising it was a lost cause, I staggered breathlessly over to the lift, already exhausted by my short sprint, and hit the button for level two.

I kept my head down as I strode across the floor in the direction of the Auror headquarters, trying to ignore all the whispering and sniggering as I passed by my sad little colleagues.

"Oi, Potter!" A male voice rang out from a giggling crowd gathered around a coffee machine. "What colour bra are you wearing today? It better be matching your knickers!"

"Fuck you, Creevey!" I bellowed back.

"Well the lights are on in my office if you fancy it?"

My face flushed angrily as a raucous chorus of whistles and catcalls pierced the air around me. I had never felt so humiliated in my entire life and it was all down to that fucking prick, Tony.

I couldn't get inside my office quick enough. Shutting the door firmly behind me, I leant back against it and closed my eyes.

"I could punch the other side of his face if it'll make you feel better, Potter."

My eyes flew open and I failed to stifle a gasp.

For, behind my desk, in my chair, Draco Malfoy sat smirking, looking every inch the boss.


Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now