45 - White Lilies

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The first thing I was aware of when I woke up the next morning was a feeling of great euphoria. Although, I struggled to work out why that was.

There was a presence in my bed. I felt the weight of something heavy, yet comforting wrapped around my middle. Hot skin against hot skin.

And then, as my eyelids fluttered open, I saw the reason for my happiness.

Draco Malfoy was in my bed and I was in his arms. Naked.

"Morning, Potter," he chuckled sleepily, his arms tightening around me as grey eyes fluttered open, instantly softening the second they met mine.

"Sleep well?" I asked, my lips tugging up at the corners into a helpless smile that ached my face.

I always sleep well when I'm with you," he drawled huskily, dipping his head to graze his teeth down the underside of my chin, "especially when I've got you like this."

He ran a hand down the length of my naked body, his cool touch igniting the flame in my core almost instantly. And, judging by the feel of a certain something prodding into my thigh, I wasn't the only one feeling horny.

His eyes glinted into mine and, before I knew it, we were working on a repeat performance of the previous night.

"Fuck!" I gasped as we both rolled onto our backs, panting heavily side by side as we waited for our racing hearts to calm down.

"Mmmm, I feel like we have a lot of making up to do," Draco chuckled, pulling me back into his arms as I nuzzled my head into his chest. "Perhaps we should just spend the day here."

"As much as I would love to," I said, lifting my head to kiss the tip of his nose, "it's a Friday, and I have work to get to."

Draco gave a loud, dramatic groan. "Do you have to? Can't you call in sick?"

"I'm the boss!" I laughed. "I can't go pulling sickies. It doesn't set a very good example."

"Well then, take a day off for me," he pouted, reminding me so much of the boy who once asked me to bunk off school with him to go to the fair.

"Draco," I said scornfully, talking to him as though he were an unruly teenage boy. "I've got meetings to attend and paperwork to catch up on. We are not school kids anymore, we - well, I - have responsibilities to uphold."

"But what if I said that I needed you here to look after me?" He chuckled, slyly winking. "Properly."

Rolling my eyes, I playfully smacked his arm. "You're a big boy, Draco." And that he certainly was. "I'm sure you can survive without me."

"Never." He grabbed my wrist, grey eyes piercing mine, the intensity of this action making the breath hitch in the back of my throat. "I am done being without you, Etta."

My heart fluttering, I pressed my lips firmly against his. "You don't have to be without me anymore, Draco." I said after I pulled away, delicately touching my fingertips to his cheek. "I'm yours."

With dancing eyes, he leant in and claimed my mouth again, curling an arm around my neck to pull me in closer.

"But I do have to go to work today," I said, after reluctantly prising myself off him, "and then we can have the whole weekend together... if you want?"

"Of course I want, Potter." He murmured, his eyes shining softly up at me as he brushed my hair away from my face. "I want nothing more."


"So, how did you survive your first night as a free woman?" Ron asked as we stood side by side in the office kitchen, simultaneously stirring our morning coffees.

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now