12 - A Spot Of Brunch

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"Mum, what's that smell? And why are you covered in that white powdery stuff?"

I was frantically bouncing around the kitchen trying desperately to clean up all the flour that had managed to settle on every fucking surface.

"Pancakes, Al! I thought we could have brunch!" I said brightly, glancing up at the clock and wondering desperately if I had time to run upstairs and get changed.

"What's brunch?"

"It's what well to do people do."

"Are we well to do people?

"We do alright."

Actually, we really did. My position as Head of Magical Law Enforcement in the Ministry paid very well indeed. It meant that I could sell up my cramped little city flat and relocate to a modest sized house in the country. It wasn't so huge that Albus and I are were rattling around, but it was large enough for us to be comfortable and able to accommodate guests.

Plus, it had a fucking massive garden.

The doorbell went, making me startle.

Damn it. They were early.

"Stall them," I ordered Albus, throwing off my apron. "I just need to put something fresh on."

And without waiting for a response, I ran upstairs, diving into my bedroom as I frantically stripped off, silently scolding myself for getting so worked up about this.

The sounds of male voices drifted up from down in the hallway as I emerged two minutes later in non-floury clothes. My heart thudded in my chest as I began to descend the stairs.

"Nice place, Potter,"

There he was. Suited up in his usual black attire, white-blond hair falling lazily over his pale pointed face and silver-grey eyes twinkling up at me in amusement.

Fuck, why did he have to be so bloody gorgeous?

"Draco, Scorpius, it's good to see you both," I said, smiling down at them as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

As usual, Scorpius looked every inch his father. I swore Draco must have styled his son's hair because it was exactly like his own.

"Hello, Mrs Potter, it's very kind of you to invite me to stay." Scorpius said politely, offering his hand out to me.

Personality wise, however, they could not have been more different.

Shaking Scorpius's hand, I flashed an appreciative smile at Draco, letting him know I was impressed with his son's manners.

"Er, Scorp, it's Miss Potter, actually," Draco drawled, a little too condescendingly.

"Yes, thank you, Draco." I said, throwing him a filthy glare before turning to Scorpius. "But please, enough with the formalities. I want you to feel at home whilst you are staying here. Call me Etta."

"Mum, what's that burning smell?" Albus piped up from behind them, sniffing the air.

"Shit - the pancakes!"

I ran into the kitchen and tossed the burning frying pan into the sink where it hissed angrily in the cold water.

"Mum's making brunch," I heard Albus explaining as they sauntered in behind me. "Apparently it's what well to do people do."

Thank you very fucking much, son of mine.

Draco chuckled softly, looking thoroughly entertained as I scraped the blackened pancakes into the bin. "Never change, Potter."

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now