68 - The Writing Is On The Wall

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After locating Delphi's room in the Old Wizards Home - Draco, Hermione, Ron, and I went rushing in to search for clues.

But it was just a simple oak-panelled room, with not many places to look behind or in.

"I've checked with the Ministry and there is no record of this woman." Hermione explained as she inspected the bedside table cabinet. "She must have used a Confundus Charm to make everyone believe she was a nurse and Amos's niece."

Ron started hammering on the walls and we all stopped what we were doing to look at him, utterly baffled.

"What are you hiding?" He yelled as he continued to bang. "What you got?"

"Really, Ron?" I sighed, rolling my eyes at him, before turning back to the oil lamp in my hand. "Have you ever thought about becoming a house husband?"

"What?" Ron asked, looking back at me perplexedly. "Don't be daft! I've got a job, remember?"

I raised my eyebrows, but said nothing. Now was not the time to get into why he was a shit Dark wizard catcher.

I unscrewed the lamp chimney from the oil lamp, and then nearly dropped it as a hissing sound escaped from it.

Draco stood up from where he was inspecting under the bed, looking over to me curiously. "What was that?"

"That's - I'm not supposed to be understanding - that's Parseltongue." I whispered fearfully, shakily placing the lamp back down on the table.

Draco crossed the room in a second, taking my hand. "Parseltongue? But you understand, don't you? What did it say?"

I shook my head, fearfully. "You- you don't understand. When the Horcrux part of me was destroyed - the part of Voldemort's soul - my Parseltongue died with it. I shouldn't be able to understand this, Draco. What does it all mean - my scar, this?"

I started to shake violently, I felt my chest closing up. This was all getting too real and I didn't want to face it. Draco let go of my hand and pulled me into his arms.

"We're here with you, Etta," he murmured in my ear, soothingly stroking my back, "remember you're not alone. I'm not leaving your side."

"Etta," Hermione said gently, "what did the lamp say?"

I stood up straight, pulling away from Draco slightly. "It- it said 'welcome Augurey'. I think I need to tell it to open..."

"Well, when you're ready, Etta," Ron said, joining us.

Holding Draco's hand, I shut my eyes and concentrated on conjuring up an image of a snake.

"Open," I hissed.

I gripped Draco's hand tighter as my eyes flew open. A writhing mass of painted snakes started emerging on the walls around us. And on them, written in fluorescent paint, words appeared.

"What is this?" Draco growled, pulling me protectively to his side.

"When spares are spared," Ron read out, "when time is turned, when unseen children murder their mothers: then will the Dark Lord return."

"It's a prophecy," I said shakily, "a new prophecy."

"Cedric." Hermione whispered. "Cedric was called a spare."

"When time is turned - she's got that Time-Turner that Scorpius lost hasn't she?" Ron worked out. Wow - maybe he can save himself from getting fired after all.

"And she needs Albus, because he's the unseen child - I spent so long trying to understand him but I couldn't," I sobbed, "I couldn't see the pain he was suffering from being my child."

"Hey - you're a good mother," Draco said sternly, tilting my chin up to look me fiercely in the eye, "don't you ever think otherwise."

"Who is she," Ron pondered, continuing to study the prophecy on the wall, "to be so obsessed with all this?"

"I think I've got the answer to that," Hermione said gravely.

We all turned to look at her. She pointed upwards and our eyes followed. I felt a cold fear clutch at my heart.

Words had appeared on the ceiling above us. Dangerous words, horrible words:

I will rebirth the Dark. I will bring my father back.

"No. She can't..." Ron breathed.

"How is it even - possible?" Hermione asked.

"Voldemort had a daughter?" Draco spluttered.

Letting go of Draco's hand, I slowly sank to my knees.

"No, no, no. This can't be happening." I wailed, my hands clutching my head in terror. "Anything but this."


When we returned to the Ministry we were met with utter chaos. The Atrium was full of wizards and witches rushing urgently about, all with fearful expressions upon their faces. There was an air of distress about the place.

"What's going on?" Hermione frowned as Minerva suddenly appeared, marching anxiously towards us through the crowds.

"It's young Craig Bowker," she gasped, her face filled with horror. "He's been found dead in the grounds of Hogwarts."

"Craig? The Slytherin from last night?" I asked, freezing in horror as Minerva nodded.

"What happened to him?" Draco asked, edging closer to my side.

"He was..." Minerva paused, seemingly struggling to say the next part, "...murdered."

I felt the ground rock beneath me as Hermione gave a small gasp.

"By whom?" I managed to choke out.

But Minerva just sadly shook her head. "We don't know - all we do know is that the Killing Curse was used on him. An act that could only be carried out by an extremely Dark wizard."

"Or witch," Ron mumbled wryly.

"What do you mean?" Minerva snapped her head towards him, "is there something I should know?"

Hermione let out a heavy sigh, "I think you'd better come with me to my office, Minerva, we've a lot to discuss."

Draco and I remained where we were as we watched Ron and Hermione escort Minerva away to Hermione's office.

"I can't take this all in," I said, staring at Draco in dismay, "Craig... Voldemort's daughter... our boys-"

My voice cracked thinking about Albus and Scorpius, and I couldn't stop the tears that started to roll furiously down my cheeks.

"Etta," Draco murmured, pulling me at once into his arms, holding me tightly to his chest as I began to shake in violent sobs.

"They could be anywhere in time," I wept, soaking his shirt in the process, as people continued to bustle around us, "how will we ever find them again? We don't even have a Time-Turner."

I felt Draco freeze.

"Look," he said firmly, cupping my chin and tilting my face up. "I've got to go and do something, and I want you to trust me and go and wait for me in your office."

"Draco? What-"

"Please, just trust me."

"Okay." My heart hammering anxiously. I couldn't take the idea of him disappearing off somewhere - not now, not when we had lost the boys too.

"I won't be long, I promise," he murmured, pressing his lips down on mine, giving me a firm, yet gentle kiss. "I love you, Etta."

"I love you, too," I whispered shakily, watching as he fought his way through the crowds, towards the gilded fireplaces.

And, when I could see him no more, it was with a heavy heart that I made my way to my office, praying that somehow, he had a fucking miracle up his sleeve.


Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now