50 - It's A Sin

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"Your scar's been hurting?!" Hermione gasped, her jaw dropping open in horror.

I nodded slowly, anxiously tapping my finger on her desk.

"Since when?" Ron said at once, almost toppling off where he was perched on the arm of Hermione's chair.

"Since Christmas." Draco answered for me, reaching across to take my hand which I was now wringing, bringing it to his lap as he began to soothingly caress his fingertips over my knuckles.

"But that was weeks ago!" Ron bellowed, glaring accusingly at Draco. "Why are we just hearing about this now?!"

"Don't look at Draco like that!" I snapped angrily at Ron, "it was my idea not to say anything, I didn't want to worry anyone unnecessarily!"

Ron opened his mouth as though about to say something else, but Hermione placed a hand on his arm, shutting him up.

"This is worrying, Etta. This hasn't been the case since Voldemort was alive-" she began.

"Voldemort is dead!" Draco snarled, cutting her off. "Etta killed him twenty-two years ago - remember?!"

"Yes, Draco, Voldemort is dead," Hermione said in a rather patronising tone, "but don't forget that his allies have been showing movement for a few months now and these things all lead us to think that there is a possibility that Voldemort- or some trace of Voldemort- might be back."

"What about your Dark Mark?" Ron barked, his eyes narrowing.

"What about it, Weasley?" Draco snarled, his upper lip curling. I closed my eyes in disdain. The tension was becoming too much.

"Well," Ron answered brusquely, "have you felt anything? Even a twinge?"

"I see," Draco sneered, "back to being prejudiced against those with a Dark Mark are we, Weasley?"

"No, Draco." Hermione sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Ron is simply trying to-"

"This has nothing to do with Voldemort!" Draco roared, cutting her off, "it's like you're all obsessed with reliving your glory days! The Golden Trio strikes again!"

"Draco!" Was the fucker forgetting whose hand he was holding?!

He looked at me and blinked, as though suddenly remembering who the fuck I was.

"I'm sorry, Etta," he said, closing his eyes, exhaling a heavy, deep breath, "I- I just hate the reminder of what I had to do, of who I was."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ron and Hermione exchange nervous, bewildered glances. It occurred to me that they had never seen this side of Draco before. His vulnerable side.

I brought my other hand up to clasp his own in mine. "Draco, you were nothing like the rest of them." I said quietly, but firmly. "You weren't the monster you think you were."

His grey eyes gave a small flicker, and I saw the rush of love and gratitude fill them as he looked back at me.

"This is all very touching," Ron barked, ruining the moment as per fucking usual, "but we've still got the issue of discovering why your bloody scar has been hurting in the first place! If you'd come to us sooner, then we may have figured it out by now!"

"Will you give it a rest, Weasley," Draco snarled. "This is exactly the reason why we didn't want to make a fuss. Etta has enough drama in her life to be dealing with without you getting hysterical about something that is probably nothing!"

"That's a bit rich considering you are the very reason Etta has had so much stress in her life!" Ron roared. "Bloody hell, You-Know-Who was nothing compared to the grief you've given her!"

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now