64 - Mad Minnie

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I had dreams. I had terrible dreams.

No, scrap that - I had fucking nightmares.

I dreamt that Ron had never married Hermione. I dreamt that he had instead married Padma Patil. Rose and Hugo ceased to exist. I dreamt that Hermione had become a moody, bitter bitch of a professor teaching Defence Against The Dark Arts.

"Etta! Etta!"

I was semi consciously aware of my body writhing and sweating; Draco trying desperately to rouse me - but still I slept, my dreams turning darker and darker.

I dreamt that I had died and not come back from the Battle of Hogwarts. I was looking down at a world that was ruled by Voldemort.

Albus ceased to exist, Scorpius was some sort of king. Snape was still alive and Umbridge was Hogwarts headmistress.

And worse than all of that, Draco had my fucking job.

He was evil - abusing his position as Head of Magical Law Enforcement to order cruel attacks on Muggles, and then bribing the Prime Minister to turn a blind eye.

It was wrong, everything was terribly wrong.


I blinked, my eyes trying to adjust to the strange room around me. But it wasn't strange. It was Dumbledore's office.

Shit, no. Dumbledore was dead. He had been dead for years now.

"Etta, please!"

Fretful grey eyes stared into mine and I balked back in horror, my heart racing as I tried to separate my dreams from reality, but it was proving difficult because everything had seemed so real.

"Etta? What is it? Another nightmare?" He reached out and touched my arm, but I found myself flinching away. Hurt and confusion flashed in his eyes.

"Sorry," I said breathlessly, sinking my head into my hands.

How could I begin to explain that everything had felt so... solid - not like a dream... as though it had happened in some other timeline, if not this one.

I started sobbing uncontrollably. My god, my emotions were shot to fuck these days.

Arms went around me and this time I did not flinch away, instead allowing him to hold me tightly against him as he kissed the top of my head and stroked my hair. "It's okay, I'm here. I'm always here for you, Etta."

"Draco," I choked, "you were so fucking wicked, you... you blew up a Muggle orphanage!"

I felt him freeze as he took in my words. He pulled his head back, looking at me quizzically. "Darling, it was just a dream. You're upset about the boys, and so it's natural that-"

"No!" I cried, "you don't understand! My dream - it felt so... real. I had died and you became evil. I was Seeing another world, another timeline, I know it."

"It was just a dream!" Draco implored, horrified, "how could you even question that?!"

I stared up at him, about to remind him of my past so called 'dreams' that everyone chose to shrug off, when the door to the office flew open, making Draco and I both look up, startled.

Professor McGonagall stepped breathlessly into the room.

"Come!" She panted, "Come quick - we've found them! We've found Albus and Scorpius!"


Draco, Minerva and I flew down to the lake, where - to my utter relief - Albus and Scorpius were hauling themselves out of the water and up onto the bank.

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now