58 - Puggingham Palace

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"This isn't a good idea," Draco said grabbing my arm, bringing me to a halt, "for all we know, it could be a trap."

We were outside Pansy's gates where I was about to push my finger to the buzzer and demand that she let me in. Draco looked, for want of a better word, frightened.

"Draco, what possible kind of trap? There is no way of Nott letting them know of our impending visit. And as far as Pansy is concerned, we are just in the neighbourhood and thought we'd pop in for a cup of tea."

"I'm not being funny, Potter," Draco drawled, "but Pansy's hardly going to believe that you of all people would want to have a girly catch up over tea and biscuits."

Ugh. He was infuriatingly right.

"Fine," I snapped, pulling out the Invisibility Cloak I pinched from Albus's room earlier. "You go on and reminisce about old times with your ex whilst I'll just make myself invisible."

I couldn't disguise the bitterness in my voice. And this did not go unnoticed by Draco.

His hand still on my arm, he pulled me into his embrace, chuckling softly as he held me tight. "You've got nothing to worry about as far as Pansy's concerned - you know that don't you?"

Slowly, I nodded. I knew I was being childishly jealous. But man, I just fucking hated that woman.

Letting go of me, he cupped his hands on either side of my neck and pressed his lips firmly down on mine, kissing me in a way that stole the breath from my lungs and the beat from my heart.

"Come on," he murmured hoarsely as he broke away, the unmistakable swirl of hunger in his eyes, "let's do this."

I pulled the Invisibility Cloak over my head, making sure I was fully covered, and stepped aside as Draco pressed the buzzer, announcing his presence.

"Remember, I'll be there," Draco murmured furtively as the gates rolled open and we made our way up the driveway. "Promise me that you won't put yourself in any danger. The minute you find something that maybe useful, don't do anything stupid - come back and get me."

"Fine." I muttered, crossing my fingers beneath the cloak.

"Good luck," Draco whispered in my general direction as we approached the front door. "I love you."

I didn't answer, but quickly slipped my hand out from under the Cloak to give his fingers a quick squeeze - managing to whip it away in time just as the door swung open.


I cringed. I couldn't help it. Her voice made me want to get a knife and chop both my fucking ears off.

I tried to control my rage as her arms flew around Draco's neck and she planted a kiss on his lips. I briefly wondered if they were still wet from kissing me, and the thought made me want to gag.

"Err... hey, Pansy," Draco laughed nervously, as he attempted to extricate himself from her. "I, um... was just passing and thought... thought we could catch up... you know..."

"How wonderful! Come in darling! Come in!" she screeched, grabbing his hand, and dragged him inside through the doorway.

I quickly followed close behind, making sure to step safely through the threshold before the door slammed shut behind us.

"Oh Drakie, it's been so long! How's little Scorpion? Is he over losing his mother yet?"

The fucking gall of the woman!

"It's Scorpius," Draco muttered, a flicker of irritation to his voice. "And no - losing your mother is not something you really get over."

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now