39 - Slytherin Bad Boys

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"Blaise! Hold up! Where are we going?" I laughed breathlessly as he pulled me through the door into the hallway.

The sound of the party was cut off upon the door slamming shut behind us. We stood in the empty hallway facing one another, panting in exhilaration.

"I hadn't thought that far ahead," Blaise admitted, still clasping my hand in his. "I just wanted to get you away from there. There was no need for Pansy to talk about you like that. I'm surprised you didn't hex her into the next decade."

"Oh, believe me," I gave a derisive laugh, "I was tempted. If only it wasn't my jobs worth."

"Aren't you head Auror?" Blaise asked bemusedly. "And best mates with the Minister for Magic? Surely you're the most powerful witch in the world?! You could go in there and shut this whole party down if you wanted to."

I shrugged. "Some people are just not worth the bother."

Or the paperwork.

"Well, Red, now I've got you to myself, I'd better figure out what to do with you." Blaise's eyes twinkled down at me, and in one smooth move, he tugged at my hand so that I fell against his chest.

My heart raced wildly as he lifted a hand to my face and slowly ran a single finger down my cheek before trailing it across to my mouth, delicately tracing my lower lip with the tip, making me shiver in desire.

"You're worth a million of Pansy Parkinson, you know that?" he whispered in my ear, his alluring tones causing me to melt right into a puddle.

And then I completely ruined the moment.

"Draco doesn't seem to think so," I muttered bitterly.

"Draco?" Blaise paused, frowning down at me in confusion, "what's Malfoy got to do with..."

He tailed off, realisation dawning on him. His look was one of disbelief.

"Seriously, Red?! Malfoy?!" He spluttered, dropping his hand away from my face as though I had burnt him. "You can do so much better than him. He puts his reputation above anything and everything - didn't tonight prove that to you?"

"It's a lot more complicated than you realise," I said, chewing my lip, wishing I'd just kept my mouth shut.

His eyes widened, looking perplexed. "How long has this 'complicated' thing been going on?"

"Since Hogwarts, really," I muttered, not being able to meet his eye.

"Hogwarts?" Blaise raised an eyebrow, and his expression changed as something seemed to have struck him. "Your kid - please don't tell me..."

My silence said it all.

"Fuck off! But... Astoria... Merlin, I knew he was a dick, but this... Do you want me to go and kill him, because I fucking will!" He had started to pace up and down now, his hands on his head, trying to take it all in.

"Please... Blaise, don't." I begged, my heart racing, suddenly feeling panicked. I should have never agreed to come to this stupid party, and I should have left the champagne well and truly alone. "No one knows. No one must know. I shouldn't have even let on to you."

"Jeez, Red. I was starting to think you're alright as well." His hands dropped from his head as he stopped pacing, and looked at me with sad eyes. "What is it about that dude? The chicks just seem to flock to him. You know, I wouldn't even be surprised if Pansy's kids his, too."

"What?!" My mouth dropped open, in horror. Hoping I had misheard what Blaise just said.

"Her girl; Piper. She's never divulged who the father is." Blaise shrugged. "Just said it was some one night stand and didn't even know his name."

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