51 - In The Words Of Darth Vader

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Draco clasped his hand tightly in mine as we watched the billowing steam appear across the horizon.

"It'll be okay," he murmured fiercely in my ear, pulling me close to his side, "just remember, whatever happens, I love you."

My heart was thudding as I squeezed his hand back, desperately trying to make the most of the feel of his touch upon mine, because deep down, I knew this wasn't going to end well.

As soon as the train pulled to a stop on the platform, our entwined hands reluctantly fell apart.

Doors started slamming open along the length of the train. I held my breath as our eyes scanned the bodies falling out onto the bustling platform.

"Scorp!" Draco called as the familiar blond-haired boy stepped down from one of the open compartment doors.

Scorpius turned towards us, grinning as my dark-haired son appeared behind him, jumping down onto the platform. They were about to discover the truth.

My throat tightened as they headed towards us, dragging their trunks behind them. I couldn't help but glance fearfully up at Draco, who gave me a swift, nervous grimace.

"Hey Dad, hey Etta," Scorpius grinned, looking to the both of us, "you wouldn't believe the spells Al and I have learnt this term!"

"Hey, Scorp," I said shakily, giving him a nervous smile, "it's good to see you again."

Albus scowled in the background as he watched Scorpius give me a brief hug. I offered my son a warm smile, calling him over, but he just looked moodily away.

Well, this was a great fucking start.

Panicking, my eyes met Draco's again. He cleared his throat.

"Er, boys," he said glancing nervously between the two of them. "Etta and I thought it would be nice that we all go straight back to hers. We- we have something to tell you."

My heart hammered so hard in my chest as I looked to my son who had stopped scowling at me and was now instead narrowing his eyes suspiciously up at Draco.

Oh my fucking god.

"Oh... alright." Scorpius said, his eyes darting between the two of us in confusion. "What is it? Is everything okay?"

"You mean you're fucking my mum?"

Horrified, my eyes flew to Albus who was scowling furiously at Draco.

"Albus!" I cried, horror filling my gut as I glanced up at Draco for help. This was already going horribly wrong.

"Look, let's just get back home," Draco ordered, his voice beginning to sound strangled as he quickly reached for Scorpius's trunk. "This is not the place-"

"Dad, it's not true is it?" Scorpius asked, his voice small.

A pink tinge rose to Draco's cheeks. His silence said it all.

Scorpius's face paled as he looked from me to Draco, realisation dawning in his eyes.

"But... mum..." came Scorpius's quiet voice, twisting my heart, "it's not even been a year."

"Scorp-" Draco began, reaching out to him, but Scorpius quickly moved back so that Draco's hand hit nothing but air.

"Classy, mother. Fucking my best friends dad whose wife has just died. Way to whore yourself out!"

My jaw dropped open in disbelief at my son's venomous words. Draco straightened up, turning furiously to Albus.

"Do not speak to your mother like that!" He flared up at him.

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