16 - Tony Tripp

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The doorbell went.

Draco's eyes flew to mine. Neither of us moved.

"Well, aren't you going to answer it?" he spat.

We were still stood face to face, glaring furiously at one another.

"You shouldn't be here, Draco," I snarled.

The doorbell went again.


Albus's voice bellowed up the hallway. I gave a resigned sigh and went to step around Draco.

However, before I could get very far, fingers snapped tightly around my wrist, halting me in my tracks.

I blinked up at him, the anger in his face had gone, replaced by a look of naked desperation.

"Etta," he implored, his voice strangled. And, for a split second, as I looked into his pleading eyes, I faltered.

And then, almost immediately, I gave myself a mental shake and snatched my arm out of his grip.

"Help yourself to food and drink," I muttered, before I swept from the kitchen.


I opened the door to a huge bouquet of flowers.


A handsome face popped round the side of the bouquet, grinning. "I know I'm slightly early, but I was just so eager to give you these."

Tony Tripp was as smooth in his looks as he was with his words. His mop of dark hair was sleeked back in a style reminiscent of eleven-year-old Draco. He was dressed smartly in a sharp grey suit and teeth that had clearly been clearly whitened. He was evidently a guy who liked to spend time and gold on self grooming.

"Oh! Thank you. They're gorgeous." I gushed, taking the flowers from him as I swept my eyes appreciatively over the vast array of roses and lilies.

"Can I just say, you are looking marvellous tonight, Miss Potter," Tony said, his brown eyes sparkling up at mine as he dipped his head to kiss my hand.

"What time are you bringing her home? She has a kid, you know."

I whirled round to see Draco standing furiously behind me, acting like some kind of bodyguard. His arms were crossed, and he didn't even to attempt to hide the scowl etched deeply in his face.

Tony failed to hide his shock at the sudden appearance of the Slytherin Prince.

"Uh... I- I guess that's up to her," he stammered, his eyes darting nervously over my shoulder.

"Don't mind him," I muttered, looking back to shoot Draco a furious glare, "he's just the babysitter."

"Draco Malfoy is your babysitter?" Tony whispered, his eyes widening in astonishment as he glanced back anxiously to the imposing figure looming behind me in the hallway.

"Well, I would have preferred the Minister for Magic, but sadly she was busy tonight," I snarked. "So, he'll just have to do."

Turning around, I slammed the bouquet against Draco's chest. "Put these in water would you."

He took them from me, spluttering mutely as his face began to turn pink with rage. Ignoring him, I reached around him and grabbed my bag off the coat hooks.

"Oh," I added, pausing at the door, "and don't wait up."

"At least put a jacket on!" I heard him bellow as I closed the door on his furious face.

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now