61 - Sod Dinner

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I stepped onto the platform and blinked as steam billowed all around.

Albus was already storming ahead of me, trying to get onto the train before I could stop him.

"ALBUS!" I yelled, praying desperately that he would stop in his tracks and turn around and say goodbye to me.

But all I saw was his retreating back as he jumped into a carriage and slammed the door shut behind him.

I felt a sob choke in my throat, and my hand flew to my mouth, desperate to keep it from escaping.

"Etta, it'll be okay."

I whirled around at the familiar voice, my heart stilling as warm grey eyes pierced into mine.

"Draco," I choked, never having been more pleased to see him.

I refrained from stepping towards him and closing the gap, however, due to the presence of Scorpius by his side.

"He'll come around, I promise," Draco murmured, reaching out to brush his hand against my arm.

I glanced guiltily down at Scorpius who was watching me with a wary expression on his face. I hadn't seen him since that day on this exact spot when we had broken the news of his father's betrayal.

"Hello, Scorp," I said hesitantly, apprehensive about his reaction to me.

"Hey, Etta," he mumbled quietly, not quite meeting my eye.

My heart lifted at his acknowledgment, even if it was slightly stilted.

"Did you... did you uh- have a good summer?" I asked, inwardly cringing at my stupid question.

He shrugged. "It was okay... I suppose. I'm glad I got to see Albus a couple of times, even if he wasn't happy."

Guilt ate away at me. This was all such a bloody mess and Scorpius had not deserved any of it.

"I'm sure he'll be pleased to see you now, Scorp," I said, gesturing to the train. "He... he just needed time to process things."

Scorpius nodded, looking pained. "I know."

My eyes met Draco's, willing him to help me out.

"I've explained to Scorp that we're moving in together," he said, cottoning on.

"Oh," I said, studying Scorpius carefully, "and- and how do you feel about that, Scorp?"

I closed my eyes in mortification. I was sounding like his fucking therapist.

To my surprise, however, Scorpius gave another shrug. "You make my dad happy. He was sad without you. I don't want him to be sad anymore."

I wanted to throw my arms around this precious boy - a boy who loved his father like I wished my son would love me.

"And you, Scorp?" I pressed carefully, needing to know, "do you think you can be okay with this situation? With me?"

"I dunno," he mumbled, his eyes hesitantly meeting mine, "maybe."

My lips tugged into a grateful smile. It was the best I was going to get - the best I could hope for.

"Come on, Scorp," Draco murmured, giving me a reassuring nod as he bent down to pick up his son's trunk, "let's get you on the train."

I watched as Draco helped him board, giving him a fatherly hug before shutting the carriage door behind him. My heart hurt when I thought of Albus sitting on the train, and I wondered if he had been watching the scene; watching the man whom he now knew to be his father, hugging goodbye the son he had always been there for.

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now