52 - Summer Blues

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"So, I guess this means Scorpius is my brother, then. Would have been nice to know, Mother."


We were back home, sat in the kitchen, facing off at opposite ends of the table.

"How am I supposed to look at him again?!" He bellowed, his eyes bulging out at me. "This is so embarrassing - you're embarrassing!"

"Don't you talk to me like that!" I yelled, wringing my hands through my hair, "you have no idea, Al, you have no idea what it has been like for me."

"Oh, please, Mother!" Albus scoffed, his lip curling up at me in disgust. "Spare me the sodding sob story."

"We love each other," I tried desperately to explain, to try and at least make him understand, "we have since we were at Hogwarts."

"If that's true, then why haven't we been living as a happy little family? Why is there Scorpius? Sounds like my darling daddy couldn't keep it in his pants!"

"It wasn't like that! After the war we were... separated. Draco married Scorpius's mother but his heart wasn't in it. When we bumped into each other years later, we had found our feelings hadn't changed. We knew it was wrong but we couldn't keep away. And then- and then Draco discovered that Astoria was pregnant. So, he did the right thing and stood by her. He had no idea that I was carrying you."

Albus was looking at me in complete mortification.

"The right thing?!" he spat incredulously, "he knocked up two women at the same time and here you are preaching about him like he's some kind of saint! I may only be fourteen years old mother, but even I can see that that's a shitty thing to do!"

I closed my eyes in utter shame. I had handled everything so wrong. I should have been honest with Albus from the start about why I could not disclose who his father was. Instead, I had thrown this bombshell on him and expected him to understand why his parents were such cock ups.

I briefly wondered how Draco was getting on with Scorpius. The poor boy had been so understandably hurt and angry. I hoped Draco was dealing with the situation better than I was.

But in all honesty, I couldn't see the boys ever being okay with this.

"Al, you have every right to be angry at me... at us," I sighed heavily, looking apprehensively at my son, "but the fact remains that Draco is still your father-"

"So fucking what?! What difference does it make? Where has he been the past fourteen years?! I can honestly say I'd be happy never to see that man ever again!"

"Please, Albus, don't speak like that!"

"Last Christmas? Was it going on then?! When he stayed with us? Were you sneaking him into your bedroom every night, having a good laugh at your clueless idiot sons?!"

"No! Albus, I promise; we did not resume anything until after you went back to Hogwarts! He went home and we realised we missed one another and didn't want to be apart anymore-"

"Well get used to it mother," he cut in angrily, "because if you take up with him again, I'm having nothing more to do with you. It's him or me!"

I felt as though I had been slapped. I sat back in my chair, slowing exhaling a long-drawn-out breath.

"You always come first with me, Al," I said steadily, looking solemnly into my son's eyes. "You must know that."

"Whatever," he snarled, scraping back his chair. "Until I see otherwise then I can't believe you."

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now