59 - Just Like That

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My heart hammered furiously in my chest. My limbs were frozen solid. I couldn't speak, I couldn't even blink.

"Should have stuck with me when you had the chance, Red," Blaise drawled as he moved behind me, reaching under my arms to drag my immobilised body across the room towards a chair.

He awkwardly seated me up on it, forcing my legs and arms to cooperate. My head flopped uselessly forward.

Blaise started to mutter a spell, causing ropes to automatically bound around my legs and arms, tying me securely to the chair. He then muttered another spell and my body instantly unfroze.

I snapped my head up, breathing heavily as I glared furiously at Blaise.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" I bellowed, trying to break free from my restraints, but failing miserably.

"Now, now," Blaise tutted, amusement flashing in his black eyes, "that's no way to talk to the person who saved your life."

"Untie me, now!" I spat, "I came here in peace, Blaise! I wanted to hear you out before getting the Ministry involved!"

Blaise just chuckled, shaking his head. "But you would have done, eventually. I know you, Red. I went to school with you. It's been your mission from day one to get the 'bad guys' locked up. There is no grey area for you. People are either good or bad in your eyes."

"That's not true!" I gasped, "what about Draco?"

Blaise gave a derisive snort. "Draco was never a 'bad guy', Red! Oh, he wanted to be once - but he never had it in him. The little ferret has never been anything other than a pathetic coward."

"Don't you dare call him a coward!" I hissed, "you have no idea what he has been through!"

"Oh, you mean having to endure afternoon tea with Parkinson?!" Blaise chuckled. "There is a reason we didn't include Malfoy in our little 'venture'. He's a treacherous sneak just like his father."

My blood boiled with anger.

"Don't compare him to his father! He's nothing like that monster!"

"My, my, Red." His eyes flashed in mine. "You've really fallen hard for him, haven't you? Not even him knocking you up and marrying someone else puts you off! He really does have a little fan club in you and Parkinson, doesn't he?"

"Ugh, don't compare me to that... thing."

"Speaking of," Blaise continued, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He pressed a button and placed it to his ear. "She's in," he simply spoke into it, before hanging up.

I glared up at him as he stood over me, his arms crossed; dark eyes studying me carefully.

"You know, you're not particularly good at this Auror business, are you? Coming here with just Malfoy as back up. I mean, aren't you supposed to be smart?"

"I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt," I snapped furiously, "seeing as you risked getting caught to save my life!"

"Yes, rookie mistake on my part," Blaise sighed, clicking his fingers. He suddenly crouched down, reaching out a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "I meant it when I said I would have treated you like a queen, you see."

My heart pounded as his face softened, a look of genuine regret filling his eyes.

A noise made us both snap our heads up.

The door flew open, and Pansy came in backwards, dragging Draco's limp body in. It looked as though he'd been given the same treatment as me.

"Bloody hell, Blaise!" Pansy whined breathlessly as she let Draco's body flop to the ground. I peered down at him; his eyes were open. They met mine and I could see the look of panic in them. "You could have helped!"

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now