44 - The Beginning

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I practically ran, stumbling down the hallway, fingers grappling clumsily at the door catch in my haste to get to the visitor.

And finally, flinging the door open, my happiness soared to new heights as there, on my doorstep, stood Draco.

"I lied." I gasped breathlessly.

Grey eyes flicked briefly to my scar, lips twitching up at the corners.

"I know."

And then, without hesitation, he lunged forwards, almost winding me as his body slammed into mine, his lips connecting with my own in an urgency that made my knees buckle beneath me as he gathered me into his arms.

"I can't let you go, Potter," he growled hoarsely, breaking the kiss, his eyes burning into mine -full of ardent desire.

"Then don't," I breathed.

Eyes lighting up, he hungrily pulled me back in, claiming my mouth again. My whole body tingled, feeling him wash over me like a wave of warmth. Fuck, he tasted so good.

Lifting me off my feet, he carried me into the hallway, kicking the front door shut behind him as he slammed my back against the wall, his kiss hungry and intense as I curled my legs up around his waist.

My hands were pulling and tugging at everything my fingers could grasp a hold of. His hair, his collar, his shirt. I was desperate to feel him, to have every part of him possible.

But then his mouth was pulling away from mine as he looked at me with a fierce intensity, his eyes dark with lust. I could feel his heart hammering against his ribs, its violent energy matching my own.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" He rasped; voice hoarse beneath heated, shallow breaths.

"Yes," I gasped, my body trembling in yearning as I clung onto him harder, fingers digging into his shoulder blades. "It's you who I want, Draco. I want you. I need you."

A flicker of brightness lit in his eyes. His lips caught mine again, kissing me ardently before he stepped away, tugging at my hand before my feet barely had time to touch the ground.

And then we were racing up the stairs, practically tripping in our urgency to get to my bedroom where he picked me up by the waist and threw me down onto the mattress.

"Draco!" I laughed breathlessly as he crawled on top of me, attacking my neck with his mouth.

Grabbing hold of my wrists, he pinned them down onto the bed above me as he dipped his head and grazed my throat with his teeth, his longing groan vibrating against my skin. I writhed beneath him as every inch of my body tingled maddingly at the weight of him pressing down on me.

I bit my tongue to prevent myself from pleading- no, begging him to fuck me.

"I want to take my time with you," he growled softly as he lifted his head to look down at me, his fingers gripping almost painfully around my wrists to stop me from touching him. "I want to make every second with you count."

And so, I lay there as he slowly and painstakingly peeled every article of clothing away from my body, stroking and kissing every newly exposed part of me as he did so.

"So beautiful," he kept murmuring against my skin as his lips continued to induce goosebumps upon every surface they touched.

Never had a man made me feel so desired. Never had a man made me want them as much as Draco Malfoy made me want him.

I arched my back up in relish as his lips reached the spot between my legs, his tongue making gentle yet demanding movements as he brought me to the brink of pleasure; raw emotion in the way his fingers curled around mine.

Henrietta Potter And The Slytherin Child - (A 'Henrietta Potter' sequel) || D.MWhere stories live. Discover now